Did you lose a comic book?

A relatively valuable comic was left at my table, presumably by someone who was getting autographs. I kept waiting for the owner to return, but he or she never did.

I have it safe and sound with me and would be happy to send it back to the owner.

If you think this message might apply to you, write to me at and identify the comic book you’re missing. If it’s the one I have, I’ll get shipping info from you.



  1. *in John Lovitz voice*

    Hey yeah, that’s mine…

    It was a, uh, an Amazing Spider-man, yeah, that’s the ticket!

  2. Ummm…

    PAD, do you think you could use another, better, email address? AOL has such a crappy (and I’m speaking as someone that’s using the latest AOL beta) mail system.

    I’m thinking of writing a story on my site on why it’s best to have your own domain… and one of the reasons is better email control.

  3. you is so nice PAD. looking after it and wanting to find its rightful owner.

  4. This has to be a setup by Peter. I’ve heard plenty of times that all comic creators are selfish, unfeeling, uncaring louts, especially when they appear at conventions. Pshaw, most creators wont even stop to autograph a book at all, let alone keep one safe for you for days (or weeks!) and take it home with them in order to find the rightful owner. C’mon Peter, we know you’re making this up!

  5. Thank God you found my CGC 10 copy of Action Comics # 1. Man, I thought I left it over by the Vamperella booth (you know, I just had to meet her). But anyway, it’s good to know that my lost book has been found. So please send it to me at my address in Nigeria and I’ll repay you for the shipping. Thanks.

    (It was worth a try)

  6. Mr. D., I hope you print the announcement in your BID column. Take it from someone who has run conventions for a long time, and who has had hellish problems communicating with a genre fandom audience; not everybody has Internet access. I’d estimate only 30 percent of fandom has Internet access or a computer of their own. Many, many fans are either dirt poor, or they are so nonsocial that even communicating on the Internet is too frightening to their timid souls.

    I don’t want to see you inundated with people who think that the “gee, it’s my comic” gag is funny, although you will. I just want you to get the news out. Your wouldn’t announce the loss of your wedding pictures just here, right?

  7. Now if only I could remember why I wanted Peter to sign my copy of Action #1…:-)

  8. Oh c’mon, Peter! This is nothing but a scam for you to collect email addresses, so you can sell them off to some Indonesian web-based outfit who will forever fill our mailboxes with spam! Admit it!

    What’s that?




    Well then…

    Um, oops?

  9. Dang.

    That sucks. I did the same thing at a show in Pittsburgh a few years ago, although I couldn’t recall whose table I left the books on.

    But I misplaced a bag containing $60 worth of Alan Moore Swamp Thing and Baron/Rude Nexus comics and never recovered it. I called the ‘con organizers a few days later, but it hadn’t been turned in.

  10. Peter!

    You found my copy of NFL Superpro #1. I was so scared it had been lost forever!

  11. Nope it’s not a scam, a what if, or an imaginary story. If it’s the same comic that I saw under PAD’s table than it’s all true. I was the one who picked it up and gave it to him.

  12. A little off topic, but I was wondering why some creators’ signature aren’t legible. I’m grateful for the signature and would never sell it, but I’m disappointed that it isn’t legible. If I didn’t know it was their signature, then I would have no idea what that little scribble is suppose to be.

    I think that it’s really nice that Peter is trying to find the books owner. Hopefully whoever forgot their books will be able to get them back.

  13. Since I can’t even read my own signature, I’d guess that any creator who “signs” a book with an incoherent scrawl is covering up his own pitiful handwriting.

    Because I know that’s what I’d do 🙂

  14. I just wanted to chime in and say that I think Peter trying to get this comic back to its rightful owner is so very cool.

    Mark B.

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