Barack Obama wins Nobel Prize for not being George W. Bush.

(Observation by Kathleen)

Just imagine the conversation:

OBAMA:  I got a Grammy and a Nobel Peace Prize.

GORE:  I got a Grammy, a Nobel Peace Prize, and an Oscar and an Emmy.

BUSH:  I got Iraq.


(Update from the webmaster: Wow, so many first time commenters on a post about Barack Obama! What are the odds? First time commenters are often automatically held in a queue for moderation, so stop complaining that we’re picking on you just because you’re saying unpopular things about Obama or wondering why George W. Bush didn’t get the Nobel Peace Prize (hint: he has to stop spelling it “Noble”). Trust us– it’s often more fun to let your comment go up and then point and laugh reply appropriately.)

Marvel Bowl-off results:

Marvel freelancers over the Marvel editors. It was a reasonably close game: We had 900 total pinfall, and they had something like 873. Axel Alonso then informed us we were all fired. He was kidding…I think.

I had the high score with 177, which wasn’t bad considering the disco lighting made it hard for me to see my mark.