Frakkin’ Bunny Town

On the otherwise harmless, and even charming Disney series “Bunny Town,” there’s one bunny who thinks it’s hilarious to run into the middle of situations and shout, “Underwear!” Because to the target audience of “Bunny Town,” “underwear” is one of the most hilarious words ever.
Caroline, being the target audience, shares this opinion, and for the past month–whenever things around here get slow–starts shouting “Underwear!” This can go on for, literally, an hour or more at a stretch. And I was making it clear that I was getting sick of it.
So one day I come home and, as soon as I walk in the door, Caroline shouts, “Knickers!” I look at Kathleen questioningly. “I got her saying that instead of underwear,” she said proudly, certain that I would be pleased that the underwear scourge was at an end. “At least it’s different, and it’s basically the same thing.”
And Caroline started saying “knickers” over and over again, very quickly.
I turned to Kathleen and said, “Are you insane? If she says that in the wrong place at the wrong time, we’re all going to die. Listen to how it sounds.”
Confused, she did as I said, and as Caroline continued to say “knickers” even faster, Kathleen realized that Caroline’s rapid enunciation was causing the middle “ck” to come out as a hard “g.”
Kathleen immediately said, “Caroline. Say underwear instead.”
“Underwear!” crowd Caroline happily.
Thus was a potential race riot averted. Currently we’re trying to teach her to say “kungaloosh” instead so she’ll be all set next time she goes to the Adventurers Club.
Frakkin’ Bunny Town.

39 comments on “Frakkin’ Bunny Town

  1. Peter, thank you for the story. I just came back from a funeral and I really needed to laugh.

  2. How about … BLOOMERS? Tougher for that one to be a life-threatening statement.
    Or you could take a page from the Frantics and go with “Galoshes!”
    (If I turn to Katherine and say, “Macadamia,” she’ll immediately say “Gazebo.” I figure I’m doing my job as a parent.)
    And yes, “underwear” *IS* a funny word.

  3. Way to go! Getting ’em saying racist things before they hit school is classy!!!
    And, no, I was NOT serious.

  4. That’s especially funny because we just had a similar problem averted at a cats-only boarding facility where I work part time. We had a guest named “Snickers” and one of the girls was calling him “Nickers” … I’m sure you see where this is going… 😀

  5. Life is rife with non-sequiturs ….
    An old standard….
    “BURMA !”
    “Why did you say ‘burma’ ?”
    “I panicked.”
    But i don’t get this one… Maybe I’m anti – Disneyfied.

  6. Well, it still might be better than Noggin’s Yo Gabba Gabba. My daughter practically goes into a trance whenever she sees that show, and it freaks me out.

  7. Gah! Thanks, Cameron — and if I’d had half a brain earlier I’d have remembered that myself.
    “They wear mukluks! Mukluks! MUUUK-LUUUKS!”
    TWL, with bulbous bouffant

  8. Jen — do you find Yo Gabba Gabba as creeped-out bizarre as I do? I know it’s won a bunch of awards and stuff, and it seems to have a positive enough message, but … eesh. I can handle most of what Katherine enjoys without flinching (and really like some stuff like the Backyardigans), but YGG is just some drug-addled nightmare.

  9. The things kids come out with…
    A friend of mine took his very young son to the local swimming pool a few years back.
    As fate has these things, a very large lady in a black one piece costume was exiting the water. The youngster took one look, and piped up in a voice to silence a jet engine “Daddy! Look! Fûçkëņ troll!!”.
    The woman, and everyone else in the place, looked on stoney faced as my friend explained that his son had recently been introduced to Thomas the Tank Engine and was in fact trying to say “Fat Controller”.
    Personally, I would just have grabbed the kid and run for it…

  10. Re; Yo gabba gabba
    Well what do you expect when one of the people who is doing the animated sequences was the creator of Milk and Cheese?
    Yes folk Evan Dorkin is in the thick of that show.

  11. Adventurers Club as in the one at Disney? I know one of the actors in that- he was my Intro to Theatre professor this semester.

  12. When my oldest was young we had to re-teach my father and father-in-law how to say the ennie-minnie-mynne-moe rhyme for much the same reason…..

  13. When my oldest was young we had to re-teach my father and father-in-law how to say the ennie-minnie-mynne-moe rhyme for much the same reason…..

  14. Oh God, that’s hilarious. I’m sorry to laugh at your pain, but it really is. :p

  15. Adventurer’s Club? The only one that I’m familiar with is the one from South Park. The one that killed Chef in the end.
    You let Caroline go there?

  16. Funny. I can’t wait until my one year old starts uttering the wrong thing at the right time.

  17. That’s pretty freaking funny.
    Thanks for that.
    wife and I have no kids yet, nut our friends have 3 and unders and we hear these stories a lot and yet still we’re trying to have some anyway.
    BTW – Underpants are by a significant margin funnier than underwear.

  18. That’s pretty freaking funny.

    Thanks for that.

    wife and I have no kids yet, nut our friends have 3 and unders and we hear these stories a lot and yet still we’re trying to have some anyway.

    BTW – Underpants are by a significant margin funnier than underwear.

  19. That’s pretty freaking funny.

    Thanks for that.

    wife and I have no kids yet, nut our friends have 3 and unders and we hear these stories a lot and yet still we’re trying to have some anyway.

    BTW – Underpants are by a significant margin funnier than underwear.

  20. That’s pretty freaking funny.

    Thanks for that.

    wife and I have no kids yet, nut our friends have 3 and unders and we hear these stories a lot and yet still we’re trying to have some anyway.

    BTW – Underpants are by a significant margin funnier than underwear.

  21. That’s pretty freaking funny.

    Thanks for that.

    wife and I have no kids yet, nut our friends have 3 and unders and we hear these stories a lot and yet still we’re trying to have some anyway.

    BTW – Underpants are by a significant margin funnier than underwear.

  22. That’s pretty freaking funny.

    Thanks for that.

    wife and I have no kids yet, nut our friends have 3 and unders and we hear these stories a lot and yet still we’re trying to have some anyway.

    BTW – Underpants are by a significant margin funnier than underwear.

  23. I’m suddenly reminded of the story of the preacher who asked Bess Truman if she could get her husband to stop saying “Manure!” Mrs. Truman replied that it had taken her years to get Harry to say “Manure!”

  24. {sings}”You do such anal things like ironing your underwear!” {/sings}
    But Avenue Q aside, I feel your pain. Once little kids get started, they build up this head of steam and the more annoyed you get, the more fun it is for them. I used to work at a day camp and had to deal with 6-year-olds at the height of the Pokemon craze. If I never hear “Gotta catch ’em all, gotta catch ’em all!” again, my life will be the happier for it.
    And are we not allowed to give you our thoughts on X-Factor anymore? Are we really THAT obnoxious?

  25. Reprinted from my MySpace blog, dated 2006/12/24:
    Short Story, One Hundred Percent TRUE
    Not a hoax! Not an urban legend! I was there when it happened!
    Approximately 25 years ago, my younger sister had her mind set on a certain style of pants that was in fashion. She would always point out these pants to our parents when she saw them on other girls, in an apparent effort to note that “everybody” was wearing them.
    One day, while my family and I were sitting in a restaurant, a family walked by our table. The daughter of this family happened to be wearing the pants my sister desired. In an apparent effort to be helpful, my mother loudly pointed out, “Look, Michelle! Knickers!”
    Oh, did I forget to mention that the family was black? And that we’re not?
    I never wanted to be able to teleport so badly in my life.

  26. Another true story, first time published anywhere…
    During the first week at one of my many jobs, a coworker across the room noticed me popping up from my desk. He asked me (the new guy), “What were you eating under there?”
    Big, dumb, dopey me was foolish enough to respond, “Under WHERE?”
    I’ll never fall for THAT again.

  27. Adventurer’s Club? The only one that I’m familiar with is the one from South Park. The one that killed Chef in the end.
    You let Caroline go there?
    Fortunately this is a different Adventurer’s Club:
    And are we not allowed to give you our thoughts on X-Factor anymore? Are we really THAT obnoxious?
    What an obnoxious thing to ask. 😉

  28. Peter, if you value your sanity (a pretty big if, all things considered), do not let her listen to the Barenaked Ladies song “Pinch Me.” Or, now that I think of it, “Another Postcard.”

  29. My youngest brother, who IS black (unlike the rest of my family. He’s adopted) was a big fan of Tigger when he was very little. Such a big fan that he liked to exclaim “I’m Tigger”. At least that’s what he tried to exclaim, but it came out sounding more like “I’m Chigger”. His preschool teacher expressed her concern before my mother explained what he was actually trying to say.
    By the way, Mr. David, if you and your family find yourselves at Walt Disney World, it would be my honor if you’d ride my boat at the Jungle Cruise. I’m currently the only Tommy there.

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