Shat slinging

Back in July, the David family had breakfast during Shore Leave convention with George Takei and Brad Altman, and naturally we discussed the upcoming wedding. They were talking about how they’d had to whittle the invite list from several thousand to two hundred. And I had to ask the question that I”m sure you would have asked: “Are you inviting Shatner?”

“Yes,” said Brad, nodding firmly, and George agreed, adding, “I think it’s time to let the past go.” They could not have been more definitive: the olive branch was being extended, bygones allowed to be bygones, hatchets being buried and every other cliche you’d care to roll out.

The result? The invite, which was sent to Shatner’s manager, was never forwarded to Shatner for whatever reason, and now a video Shatner released in which he excoriates George is getting all kinds of media play.

“George came out. Who cares?” asks Shatner in the video. The answer to that, of course, is the opponents of gay marriage who are circulating e-mails and fliers filled with baseless scare tactics in order to try and push through Proposition 8. A Proposition that would make sure joyous days such as the one Kath and I shared with George, Brad and a couple hundred guests–which could have included William Shatner–will never occur again for anyone who’s gay in California. Those bigots, those jerks, those killjoys…they’re the ones who care, Mr. Shatner.

So that answers your questions: The questions of why George Takei didn’t invite you (he did) and who cares that George is gay (those who want to push through Prop 8). So here’s my question to you:

What are you going to do about it?


358 comments on “Shat slinging

  1. I’m pretty sure calling other posters insects sets the bar for discourse lower than calling them nazis. For one thing, nazis still get trials. And nazis feel free to stop at comparing people to rodents.

    That’s how severe your intolerance is for authenticity.

  2. Kit innocently asked:

    “What’s wrong with this fellow?”

    We don’t know, Kit. I tried offering him hugs once or twice, but he went off on me, too.

  3. Kit innocently asked:

    “What’s wrong with this fellow?”

    We don’t know, Kit. I tried offering him hugs once or twice, but he went off on me, too.

  4. “Kit innocently asked:”

    Well, it wasn’t that innocently done. I work with one of your regulars and he’s pointed Mike’s strangeness out to me before when I’d asked him what he was snickering at. The very first time I saw some of Mike’s weirdness I simply thought that he was jerking all of your chains. Later I came to the conclusion that he was simply socially retarded and mistaking the negative reactions his foolishness here provoked as something positive. Now, after having seen the genocide exchange that was posted above I have no idea what’s wrong with this fellow.

    My only thoughts on him now are that he is a very emotionally and psychologically damaged individual and that it may actually be the crueler path for people here to respond to him and argue with him. He doesn’t read like someone who is completely stable and I’m not sure that he isn’t the type of personality who would easily be pushed over a very bad tipping point.

    “Welcome aboard Kit, once you learn to ignore the insects, you’ll find PAD’s site enjoyable.

    You’ll get both ends of the political spectrum, as PAD attracts folks from all walks of life. It’s not as one-sided as some make it sound.”

    Thank you, but I’ll pass. I’m not big on political discussion/arguments, my leisure time reading habits pretty much fall under historical romance (‘Kit’ is short for Kitania) or John Douglas rather than the works of this site’s host and I’m not as big on blogging as I used to be BK (before kids) due to the time they eat up in my day. I only posted before on a silly whim from joking around with JJ and this time because he pointed out that people were responding to me. But to tell the truth I probably won’t do so again.

  5. “Kit innocently asked:”

    Well, it wasn’t that innocently done. I work with one of your regulars and he’s pointed Mike’s strangeness out to me before when I’d asked him what he was snickering at. The very first time I saw some of Mike’s weirdness I simply thought that he was jerking all of your chains. Later I came to the conclusion that he was simply socially retarded and mistaking the negative reactions his foolishness here provoked as something positive. Now, after having seen the genocide exchange that was posted above I have no idea what’s wrong with this fellow.

    My only thoughts on him now are that he is a very emotionally and psychologically damaged individual and that it may actually be the crueler path for people here to respond to him and argue with him. He doesn’t read like someone who is completely stable and I’m not sure that he isn’t the type of personality who would easily be pushed over a very bad tipping point.

    “Welcome aboard Kit, once you learn to ignore the insects, you’ll find PAD’s site enjoyable.

    You’ll get both ends of the political spectrum, as PAD attracts folks from all walks of life. It’s not as one-sided as some make it sound.”

    Thank you, but I’ll pass. I’m not big on political discussion/arguments, my leisure time reading habits pretty much fall under historical romance (‘Kit’ is short for Kitania) or John Douglas rather than the works of this site’s host and I’m not as big on blogging as I used to be BK (before kids) due to the time they eat up in my day. I only posted before on a silly whim from joking around with JJ and this time because he pointed out that people were responding to me. But to tell the truth I probably won’t do so again.

  6. Now, after having seen the genocide exchange that was posted above I have no idea what’s wrong with this fellow.

    My only thoughts on him now are that he is a very emotionally and psychologically damaged individual…

    You heard it here, folks: if you don’t honor “Kit’s” taboo against mentioning genocide in the last 2 years, you’re emotionally and psychologically damaged. Those poor Holocaust Museum Associates.

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