Freak Out Friday – May 1, 2020

FREAK OUT FRIDAY – May 1, 2020

I am so freaking sick of the hypocrisy on the right that it’s making me ill.  My stomach turns as these blathering blowhards put forth their idiotic, self-contradicting opinions as if they have any worth.  I am tired of these inconsistent blowhards rallying behind Trump in order to march this country straight over a cliff.  

And boy, am I fed up with them attempting to label the left as hypocrites when they continue to kiss Trump’s butt while spewing philosophies that are in constant conflict.

And the icing on the cake is Tara Reade, a woman whose accusations are so sketchy that EVEN TRUMP isn’t getting behind it.  He shrugs, he says he doesn’t know anything about her accusations, which is absolute bull.  “I don’t know about it or about him or about her” is his default position (a close second behind “fake news!”) whenever he’s confronted with something he doesn’t want to face.  I swear, if Jared Kushner was arrested while having sex with a twelve year old, Trump would swear he doesn’t really associate with him.  

What fractures me is that the Trumpies are seizing upon Democrats’ lack of support for Reade as some sort of hypocrisy on our own side because, hey, we made a big deal out of Christine Ford and her accusations of Brett Kavanaugh.  So let me see if I’ve got this straight:  the same people who dismissed Ford out of hand are now turning around and saying that WE are hypocrites because we’re regarding Reade with suspicion.  Even though they are the ones embracing her while having rejected Ford.  

Well, hëll, let’s examine Reade, shall we?

Tara Reade claims that Biden molested her back in 1993.  Curiously, she never brought it up when he was made vice president.  That would certainly have been the time, yes?

Then again, it’s not like she repeatedly praised Biden for his attitude toward abused women.

Oh, wait.  She did.  Often.  In the intervening years she extolled Biden’s virtues while lambasting Vladimir Putin.  She did that all the way to 2018, when Biden first started making noise about running for President.  Then amazingly, she did a 180.  She proceeded to trash Biden while simultaneously extolling Putin’s manliness and virtues.  

But that’s probably coincidence.  I mean, it’s not like she’s ever done anything criminal…

Oh, wait.  She did.  Back in the 90s, she stole $1400 from a charity dedicated to helping horses.  Hëll, that would certainly make her an apt mate for Trump, since stealing from charity is kind of his thing.

Then there’s her brother, who told an interviewer that Biden had touched her shoulders in a way that made her uncomfortable…and then, several days later, texted the reporter that Biden had also shoved his finger into her vágìņá.  Because…he FORGOT that when he first did the interview?  If some guy physically manhandled your sister’s genitals and then you were later asked about that man, wouldn’t you kick off your recollection with that?  How in God’s name could he have omitted that?  That’s not just burying the lead; that’s tying a granite block to it and shoving it into the Marianas trench.  

And yet these same right wing blockheads who do not hesitate to believe that two dozen women are all lying about Trump doing everything from manhandling them to raping them…they firmly embrace Reade’s dubious claims while calling us hypocrites because any examination of her story doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

We’re the same party who gave the bum’s rush to Al Franken for doing things that wouldn’t even register on Trump’s radar of abuse, and they dare accuse us of being hypocrites? 

The Reade complaint is the absolute proof that Trump’s followers do not care about the truth, about consistency, about reality, about anything except clinging to power and lying about anyone who disagrees with them.  And I am done with it.  

I am done with these bášŧárdš destroying Democratic candidates for the presidency.  These áššhølëš took war hero John Kerry and made people believe that he was a lying coward.  These schmucks convinced the world that Al Gore claimed he invented the internet, which HE NEVER SAID.  They are the living embodiment of what Joseph Goebbels said:  “If you tell a lie big  enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

This latest outing—their blind acceptance of Trump despite his sexual predations so numerous that there’s an entire book out about it called “All the President’s Women”—while simultaneously condemning Biden for a sole accusation by a woman whose word simply cannot be trusted, is the last figurative straw.  

Slap them down, people.  I mean it.  Wherever you go on Facebook or Twitter, when you see them ranting, throw their hypocrisy in their face.  You won’t convince them; their heads are buried so far up Trump’s ášš that they’ve forgotten what fresh air smells like.  But smack them down before they convince people who just don’t know any better.  

Enough sitting around and shaking our heads and tut-tutting about how awful they are.

Time to fight back.


11 comments on “Freak Out Friday – May 1, 2020

  1. Amen.Sadly they won’t listen to any sort of facts or logic. all we can do is to remind people to vote blue.
    I haven’t been following her allegations, so it was nice to see it all lined up. So many people are believing her that i fear any third party candidate to pop up will get a bunch of Bidens votes.

  2. PAD, I agree with all you said about the level of hypocrisy and willful blindness on the right. But it all reads like you’re quite late to the party.
    The Reade complaint is the absolute proof that Trump’s followers do not care about the truth, about consistency, about reality…
    Yeah, it’s proof of all that. Just the latest in stark examples going back, what, 2-3 decades? Even if constrained to just the last 4 years, their reaction to the Reade complaint is still about the 300th example.
    Enough sitting around and shaking our heads and tut-tutting about how awful they are.

    Time to fight back.
    I’ve been reading you here for years. I know you haven’t just now finally figured this out.

  3. About Al Franken: I comment often on another website called “Fark” (a news aggregator in which people submit ilnks to news articles and other sources, and try to apply some humorous or twist headline to them in the hopes of getting them “greenlit” and made visible to the general public).
    Last week I commented on your blog, on your “Freak-Out Friday” article about Trump exhibiting characteristics typical of “the Antichrist” a comment that included a link to a Fark comment of mine that itself included images (which we can’t do here in these WordPress comments). Apparently because I included a link, the comment went into Moderation (because links are often used in spam comments to drive traffic to a site for spamming purposes), meaning that it won’t be visible to others until it’s approved, and it hasn’t been so far.
    I’d love to post a link in this thread to another Fark comment thread of mine which goes into detail about the framing (yes, framing) of Al Franken by Roger Stone. You know that infamous photo of him seemingly grabbing at Leeann Tweeden’s chest? People have said that that was probably staged, that they were joking, etc. I doubt it. I show powerful evidence that that photo was faked entirely!
    Since I can’t post the link directly without risking WordPress sending this comment into moderation, I’ll post the part after the domain name (which is “fark·com” but replace the “·” with a “.”):
    ↑ Copy that and paste it into your browser after the Fark domain name. Read all of my comments (posted under this same username) in that thread starting with the linked one, and all replies that refer to it, and also the comments by luna5160.

  4. Both sides are hypocritical. It’s whatever works for them at the moment. If it wasn’t for the right you wouldn’t have closed borders like was initiated.

  5. I like the upgrade to your site David. It’s gonna take me a while to catch up on the columns that haven’t been posted until now.

  6. Hey, Peter. Love the new design for the site! Excellent work by all involved.

  7. Hi Peter,

    Just read some of your old posts.

    I am sorry I never wrote in when you took over the Hulk with Todd. I did not realize you wanted feedback. I had assumed everyone loved the Hulk like I did so my letter would have never been seen. You brought that comic to its peak though. Had no idea about the inside baseball at Marvel.

    Cannot believe how Marvel treated you. You had the Midas touch on all your titles.

  8. Well, of course 45 isn’t getting behind Reade’s claims. Because, for a change, either he or someone who has his ear was canny enough to realize that, given the details of the claims, if he spoke out about it, the Access Hollywood recording would be front and center again, with him bragging about doing the very same thing…in so many words!
    I’m hearing that documents have been found indicating that she left her position in 93 because of check fraud charges, and that she was allowed to resign to save face; that the assault story was one that she started telling about why she left. I’d be interested in finding out more about this aspect of the story, to see if it’s reliable or not.

  9. First, I’m going to say that yes, most right-wingers who still support Trump are raging, shameless hypocrites. Hëll, they’re close to nihilists by this point, since they don’t seem to care about anything except winning. Every single ideal they claimed to have, they’ve betrayed in the past 4 years.

    But I’m not letting left-wingers off the hook so easy, PAD. When a significant portion of the left embraced slogans like “believe all women” or defended that any woman’s subjective perception of the pain caused to her by any action (even something as minor as a catcall or off-color comment) trumped objective assessment of the severity of that action, left-wingers really opened themselves to this sort of stuff.

    I always thought “believe all women” was a dangerous slogan. What we should do is to treat every woman’s words with the same seriousness, respect, and attention that we historically gave to a male’s words. No more, no less. They should be treated as full citizens with the same presumption of credibility as any male, but we shouldn’t treat any accusation by a woman as holy writ only because they’re a woman. And far too many people on the left were doing just that before the Coronavirus crisis took the focus off identity politics a little.

    Likewise, the idea defended by some feminists that only the woman in question can be the judge of the severity of any action that may constitute harassment, based on her own subjective perception of trauma, really opens up the field for a woman saying that Biden touching her shoulders in an innappropriate way scarred her for life.

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