Freak Out Friday – April 27, 2018

So Trump must be feeling pretty spiffy this morning. The GOP-controlled Senate released their findings that claimed there was no evidence of collusion with Russia.

This was a document with reasoning so flawed that they stated Trump’s endeavors to set up a backchannel to the Russian government was proof there was no collusion in the first place. How, they “reasoned,” could they have been colluding with Russians before the election when they were colluding with the Russians AFTER the election? Yes, I know that makes no sense. What made far more sense was the Democrats who stated that the GOP’s opinions “have been crafted to advance a political narrative that exonerates the President, downplays Russia’s preference and support for then-candidate Trump, explains away repeated contacts by Trump associates with Russia-aligned actors, and seeks to shift suspicion towards President Trump’s political opponents and the prior administration.”

And we’re left sitting there thinking, “Of course they did. They’re the GOP. It’s all about holding on to power and blaming Hillary and Obama for everything (which naturally they did in this report.). On “The Tonight Show” they had a guy with a microphone on the street asking people if they thought Hillary Clinton should be impeached and bunches of likely Trump fans said yes, absolutely, we should definitely impeach a woman who holds no political office.

1). Another One Bites the Dust.. Remember Ronny Jackson? The idiot physician who stated that Trump’s weight was in the 230s when it’s obviously in the 280s? And you read his conclusions and thought, “What the hëll was that guy drinking?” Well, whistleblowers stated that he was typically drunk at work and created a “toxic” work environment. So it was a reasonable question, and Jackson–whom Trump had nominated to head up the VA–sent his regrets and pulled his name out of consideration. Because in the real world, when negative behavior is discovered about them, most people pull their names out of consideration for high office…as opposed to Trump, who either ignores it, apologizes for it and then denies it. or ignores it and then denies it.

2). Who would’ve thought a guy who spent his life attacking the environment was the wrong choice for the head of the EPA? Yet another Trump choice has hit the skids as Congress grills him about overspending, including buying a soundproof booth for his office and renting a condo from a lobbyist who has business with his agency. Rep. Frank Pallone condemned him by saying “You are unfit to hold public office and undeserving of the public trust.”

Does everyone understand that this is not normal? That losing one person after another to bad behavior and incompetence is NOT how this is supposed to be done?

3). What the Fox?. Anyone who is casting about for further proof that Trump has lost his mind should have been watching “Fox and Friends” a couple days ago. For reasons surpassing understanding, he called them up on Melania’s birthday, admitted that he had not gotten her anything of substance or, even more likely, at all (a card? Flowers? Seriously?). And then, as the hosts sat there goggle eyed, he started talking and would. Not. Stop. What did he talk about? Well, lessee:

A). He claimed that Ronny Jackson withdrew because of Democrats, rather than admitting he should never have nominated this clown in the first place.

B). He said we should ask Putin if Trump was colluding with Russia. Because of course the Russian strongman is going to be honest with us.

C). Yet more lies, as he claims that Comey lied in the memos about which he gave sworn testimony to Congress. It’s always amazing how many liars there are in the world except for Trump who never, ever lies.

D). He contended that the Justice Department is doing a lousy job despite the fact that it is being run by Jeff Sessions who was a Trump appointee.

E). He continues to claim that he has accomplished more than any other President in his first year. If what he actually means is that he’s pìššëd øff more than any of his predecessors, he might have a point. Pretty sure that’s not what he meant, though.

F). He flat out stated that Michael Cohen represented him in the Stormy Daniels case, despite the fact that just a week or two ago he stood on Airforce One and denied that he knew anything about it. So which lie are we supposed to grant greater consideration to?

G). He stated, “You know, one of the reasons people say you’re still looking good, Mr. President. How do you do it?” What was this comment in response to? Absolutely nothing. He’d been talking about how he never watched CNN, then immediately said he did watch it just last night, and then he brought up his looks. Out of nowhere.

Half a freaking hour of this bûllšhìŧ. And he’d likely have gone on for the entirety of the program except the hosts told him he probably had a lot to do today and should really get off the phone. Which as hints go is similar to something smacking you on the face with a dead flounder.

I honestly may start watching “Fox and Friends” just to see if he calls in again and goes on another stoned rant.

Did he do anything right? Not especially. But he did get props from Kanye West. You remember West. In 2009 he walked up on stage during the MTV awards while Taylor Swift was thanking the audience for giving her the best video award and announced that Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” was the best video of all time. Oh, and Rob Schneider criticized Alec Baldwin for his impression of Trump, comparing him to Dana Carvey whose impression of George H. W. Bush was much more gentle and that Baldwin had “Seething anger” toward Trump. Which is correct, except that Bush was a much gentler politician, while Trump is FILLED with seething anger in pretty much everything he says and does. So if Baldwin’s Trump comes across as angry, he’s simply doing justice to the source material. As for Schneider, he’s got a program on Netflix which I did not know until I read the article about his Baldwin comments. So free publicity. Can’t beat that.


5 comments on “Freak Out Friday – April 27, 2018

  1. I don’t whether to laugh at the stupidity of Trump or cry at the sheer stupidity of Trump. sighs…

    1. Cry. Not at trump, however, but for the U.S., a country so fouled up that it has countless millions dim/stupid/ignorant/gullible enough to firmly believe he’s doing a great job and can do no wrong. That’s the real tragedy.

  2. *somethingsomething*GOP*somethingsomething*Russia*somethingsomething*whørëš*somethingsomething*

  3. A minor but significant point: It was the House, not the Senate, which released its “investigation.” The Senate investigation, which seems a bit less partisan, is still going on.

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