NRA supporters want you to boycott the following companies

The following list compiled by the NRA is being bandied about by people who are calling for them to be boycotted. Why? Because they have policies specifically against open carrying of weapons:

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So I’m going to be using this list from now on for stores to shop at and restaurants to patronize. And I’ll even tell them when I spend money that that’s why I’m there and will continue to support them for as long as their policies remain in force. Because guns suck and gun lovers suck.

And as before, all gun lover responses to this posting will be deleted.


Sir Apropos of Nothing will be back in print

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The rights have reverted to me which means that Crazy 8 Press will be bringing the adventures of my itinerant anti-hero back to his reading public.

Here is the cover rendered by Robin Riggs. Book one should be out within a month as both print and eBook (for the first time) and even as we speak, I am working on the sequel which should be out next year.


Here’s my guess about STAR WARS

So I’m back from nearly two weeks of traveling around, first to Greece and then Oklahoma, and my body has finally adjusted to local time. And I’m catching up reading “Entertainment Weekly” which is currently drowning in “Star Wars” coverage.

So here’s what I think.

“Star Wars” has traditionally been a story about families. I think that will continue. I think Kylo Ren is the son of Luke Skywalker, and Rey is the daughter of Leia and Han.

I’m sure others have put this theory forward, but there it is.


The Royals are not winning the World Series

Rather, the Mets are losing the World Series.

Seriously. Mets should have had game 1. Except for a brief span after the All Star break, Familia never blows a save. He got up there to get three outs in game one when it was 4-3 and allowed a home run to tie it.

Mets should have had game 4. And if the Royals had gotten two singles to put men on base, I’d have a different opinion. But Clippard walked two batters, and then Murphy did a Bill Buckner and boom, the game gets away.

So yeah, sorry, Royals fans, but if the Mets were playing the way we’re used to, they’d be the ones up three games to one.


Best comment on the Mets winning

So on WFAN radio this morning they were busily discussing everything the Mets now have to worry about vis a vis the World Series. What’s up with Cespedes’ arm, who’s going to pitch, etc. And then they turned to another reporter to discuss the Nets.

And the Nets guy said, “Before we do that, can we talk about the Mets a moment?” They said sure. And he said, “Could you guys be happy? I mean, all you’re doing is focusing on all the problems they have to deal with. You just won the National League championship. Could you focus on that for 24 hours instead of just worrying and complaining?” And they took that in and said, “Okay,” and spent the next minute being happy.


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Just when boycotts couldn’t get any more stupid: Star War VII


When the first “Star Wars” film came out in 1977, it was criticized for the overall whiteness of it. The one major black actor, James Earl Jones, wasn’t even given voice credit (his choice). This was answered with the introduction of Lando in the very next film, but still, mostly white.

So now the new film prominently features a black hero and there are actually idiots who are declaring it should be boycotted because of that? I mean, I knew there are people for whom Obama can do no right because of his skin color, but this is quite simply insane.

Thank God that there’s zero evidence the boycott will have any impact. Any film that crashes the internet when tickets go on sale, as happened last night, needn’t worry. Still, every time you find yourself wondering how stupid people are, they always seem willing to answer with more evidence.


Let’s go whoever

I was obviously thrilled to see the Mets win game five last night, and my biggest relief was that Chase Utley flew out rather than tie up the game. So now it’s Mets vs. Cubs, and although naturally I’m rooting for the Mets, seeing the Cubs in the World Series with a chance to make “Back to the Future II'” prediction come true is an entertaining notion.

And I’d like to share with you the best written article opening about yesterday’s game from the Mets website:

By Matt Monagan

Facing off against Zack Greinke — half-man/half-pitching robot sent here to destroy all batters who dare to face him — the Mets needed a few players to step up in a big way. They needed to string together a few hits here and there in hopes of scoring a run or two for starter Jacob deGrom. It would need to be a team effort.

Or, you know, Daniel Murphy could just do everything.