Don’t say I didn’t warn you

This Saturday my next episode of “Young Justice,” “Bloodlines,” airs on Cartoon Network.


10 comments on “Don’t say I didn’t warn you

  1. No worries Mr. David. My tv alarm is set to turn on to Cartoon Network at 10:25 am to wake me up so I can catch YJ.

  2. I’ll be catching the rerun on Sunday morning, due to work Saturday morning. I wish other shows got rerun the next day; I’ve missed so many episodes of PHINEAS AND FERB…

  3. I am learning to like “Young Justice”, and it’s the only DC superhero team cartoon on these days. But this “Invasion” storyline suggests to me that the end of this series is coming quickly.

    Obviously you can’t say if this is the last season or not… but can you let us know if you’re doing any shows for next season?

    I remain,
    Eric L. Sofer
    The Bad Clown…

    1. I don’t know if they’re ending it or not, but there is a tendency for animated shows to only do 52 episodes. Someone in the industry once told me that the philosophy is to have enough episodes to play one a week in syndication.

      However, there are enough exceptions that it’s hard to say if that means anything. Justice League got 52 episodes, then a DVD movie, then we rebranded as JLU and got a bunch more episodes. This season being “Young Justice: Invasion” is at least as much a rebranding as what happened to Justice League, so who knows what they’re planning.

      Maybe it’ll be like Ben 10, where they just keep rebranding and rebranding. So after Invasion ends, we get another tweak to the format. Maybe “Young Justice International.”

  4. How does this work. Since they are in the midst of “Invasion” that has many diverging and converging storylines, do they come to you with the story and have you write the script? Or do they let you know the overall arc and you come up with a story that fits into it?

  5. As River Song is so fond of reminding, “Spoilers!”

    Just remembered ~ any in-depth spoilers and questions pertaining thereto should be given a certain amount of time to saturate the viewing audience before discussions begin in earnest. So, the latest episode of “Young Justice” (which you wrote) will have to hold off for a short while longer.

    Can I just say “Terrific episode!” and “I really enjoyed watching it.”

  6. That was great. Better continuity streamlining then the NEW52 could ever hope for. To bad the people behind the Young Justice cartoon wasn’t behind the NEW 52.

  7. Without Spoiling anything, Glad to see the new character, and glad you got to be the one to introduce him. Awesome Episode.

  8. That was awesome.

    Though I won’t go into details, let me just say that this episode featured something or someone who I have wanted to see on a cartoon for a long time.

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