Since People Keep Asking About Disney…

I thought I’d let you guys know that Joe Quesada is going to be discussing his take on Disney’s acquisition of Marvel over in his regular column on Comic Book Resources today. Since he’s actually met with all the players while I’ve met with–y’know–none, his opinions on the topic should carry more weight. So check it out.


Back From Dragon*Con

Pat Henry and the crew from Dragon*Con provided the David family with their standard excellent treatment and support, and it was much appreciated.

We had a great time, meeting and greeting the fans, plus seeing old friends (the crew from “Babylon 5”) and encountering some new faces (Barry Bostwick, for instance, whom I’ve always wanted to meet. Dig up on Youtube his 1985 re-creation of Danny Zuko from “Grease” singing “Summer Nights.” He’s at least 20 years too old for the role at that point and he STILL buries Travolta.) High points included Kath and I meeting Terry Gilliam and Kath, Caroline and I meeting Patrick Stewart (who was charmed when Caroline was excited to meet the voice of Mr. Woolsworth from “Chicken Little.”)

Also gave the Julie Award to Leonard Nimoy, which was a personal thrill for me, and reformed MC-Squared with George Perez to host the Masquerade. So that was cool. To me, best costume was Samurai Jack and Aku, with the former played by a seven year old girl squaring off against her dad who was hidden inside an Aku puppet essentially that stretched fifteen feet high, making it the first properly proportioned SJ/Aku confrontation I’ve ever seen.

Plus of course I was on a variety of panels with such folks as Bob Greenberger, Keith DeCandido, Tim Zahn, and Peter S. Beagle. Always an interesting exchange of ideas.

Overall a great time.