Top Ten Things Mary Jane may have whispered to Mephisto

10) Laugh real loud so everyone will think I’m classy enough to be saying something funny right now so they won’t know I’m dying inside.

9) So tell me: Does the carpeting match the drapes?

8) I gotta pee.

7) My broker is E.F. Hutton, and E.F. Hutton says…

6) There is another Skywalker.

5) So how’s Saddam?

4) They’re real…and they’re spectacular.

3) Your fly’s unzipped.

2) Would you tell your friends in the producer’s guild to settle with the writers already?

1) Happy New Year.


Since opinions on “One More Day” keep threading their way into other posts, even though they are of no relevance, I figured the simplest thing was to begin a comments thread for it even though I had nothing to do with it.

What do I think of it? Well, I have not read it, to be honest, since I knew the story particulars for months now. Let us just say that it is not the direction I would have taken things.


Here’s what makes me most nervous about Bhutto

I can’t pretend to know enough about foreign policy to offer any sort of informed opinion as to what the result will be for Pakistan.

What worries me is that assassinations, as least to me, seem to happen in clusters. As if one person goes down and various assassination-oriented people say, “Yeah, hey, good idea.”

My first instinct is that Musharraf is next. Frankly, when I heard the news, my first instinct was, “Musharraf’s probably behind it.” A thoroughly uneducated guess, but apparently enough Pakistanis share that opinion to make me think I might be on to something.

But that’s not what concerns me, either. It’s the timing, believe or not, of being so close to the Iowa caucus.

I’m worried that if Obama does well or even wins the Iowa caucus, he’s going to be a target, because there’s just too dámņëd many people in this country who will find the notion of a black President intolerable. If he wins the Democratic nomination down the road, we’re talking big-time Secret Service protection. Which means if anyone’s going to take a whack at him, it’ll be soon. And the Bhutto assassination might be the spark.

I hope to God I’m wrong.


Interesting silence from the WGA

When Ellen DeGeneres announced that she was going to continue filming her show despite the writers’ walkout, the WGA responded in the strongest possible terms, excoriating her and calling for boycotts and pickets.

Now David Letterman, Jay Leno, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert–none of whom happen to be gay women–have announced that they will be returning to work.

Thus far the WGA has been remarkably quiet on the announcement. Letterman’s World Wide Pants is endeavoring to cut a separate deal with the WGA, but there’s nothing definite, and Letterman will likely be returning regardless of whether he has a writing staff or not.

I find that curious, this sudden silence. Is the WGA really standing on principle? Or was Ellen simply seen as an easier target?


God Bless Us Everyone

I’m currently reading an annotated edition of “A Christmas Carol.” Conservatives like to claim that there’s a war on Christmas now? They don’t know from wars on Christmas. According to the book’s lengthy intro, back in the 17th Century England’s Roundhead government basically banned Christmas celebrations. Dickens’ book is largely credited for reigniting Christmas festivities after several centuries of very muted celebrating.

AMC just repeated the magnificent George C. Scott version of the classic tale. If you haven’t seen it, seek it out on DVD.

Many happy returns of the day to all, and to all a good night.