Mystery Sandman Theater 3000

digresssmlOriginally published June 17, 1994, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1074

A while back I mentioned one of my demented notions, prompted by DC’s Sandman Mystery Theater and my enthusiasm for Mystery Science Theater 3000 (which features a human and two robots situated in front of, and loudly making snide remarks about, genre flicks.)

I suggested the combining of the two into Mystery Sandman Theater 3000, and invited folks to send in sample for inclusion in BID whenever I’m heading out of town for a while (like today, for instance.)

Several people have come through so far.  This week is Charles Skaggs of Columbus, Ohio, assistant central mailer for the APA TitanTalk who has been doing something similar to the proposed MST3K in his APA, said riff entitled Mystery Titans Theater 3000.  Normally in script form, he developed this more visual approach, razzing on the conclusion of the “Titans Hunt” storyline in New Titans #84. And just to show what a dedicated guy he is, he even included The Love Theme from Mystery Sandman Theater 3000” (sung to the obvious tune):


In the not-too-distant Dreaming

‘Bout midnight, A.M.

There was a guy named Dre-eam

Whose eyes twinkled like a gem


He ruled over his kingdom’s landscape

Just an Endless being in a big, black cape

He did a good job giving people their dreams

But Morningstar made plans while listening to screams


I’ll send him cheesy comics–

The worst I can find (la, la, la)

He’ll have to sit and read them all

And I’ll monitor his mind (la, la, la)


Now, keep in mind Dream can’t control

When the comics are gonna end,

Because he used his dream essence

To make his dreaming friends…

Dreaming roll call!



Fiddler’s Green!



If you’re wondering what Peter David writes

While running this here stack (la, la, la),

Then repeat to yourself: It’s just a filler;

I should chill and just kick back

For… Mystery Sandman Theater Three Thousand!


7 comments on “Mystery Sandman Theater 3000

  1. Include a mock comic book ad and it’s perfect! My congratulations to Mr. Skaggs and The Dreaming of Love.

  2. Oh wow, this takes me back. I believe I submitted a whole dámņ comic book. Can’t recall the name of the book – it was an awful Image comic that a local comic book shop was giving away gleefully because it was so bad. I did get a page showcased in a BID column and was pretty jazzed over it.
    I had fun making it. Thanks for the memory on this one Peter!

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