In defense of the Christmas Bush

So the Bush White House endeavors to send out a nice, simple, inclusive holiday card. No different than millions of Americans of all religions send out.

And what happens? The extreme religious right is offended. Hëll, let’s not even call them the extreme religious right, because that makes it sound like extremist Jews, Muslims, Shintoists, etc., are all on the same page. Let’s call it what it is: Extremist Christians.

Here’s the fascinating thing about Extremists: They’re all the same. The philosophy of Extremist Christians is fundamentally no different than, say, that of Extremist Muslims. They believe in the same things: Exclusionary thinking. Intolerance. Ignoring fundamental lessons of their own faith when it runs afoul of extremist thinking. Where is the philosophy of Christian charity and understanding? Where is the writings in the Koran specifically forbidding the killing of innocents? They don’t serve the Extremist viewpoint of exclusion and intolerance and thus are cast aside.

They only differ in degrees of their actions. Some chop off the heads of helpless victims. Others blow up abortion clinics.

And the most consistent link is that trying to accommodate them never, ever works. That’s what Bush is discovering now, having staked his political star to the whims of the Extremists. It’s insufficient for Extremists that eighty percent of this country celebrates Christmas. Instead the ONLY acceptable greeting at this time of year is “Merry Christmas” rather than something inclusive such as “Happy holidays.” It’s insufficient for Extremists that there is already an implicit lack of separation of church and state around the holidays (the government shuts down for Christmas. You see the government shutting down for Yom Kippur? For Ramadan?) They want an EXplicit lack of separation by having the official greeting card from the White House be in celebration of Christmas only.

It’s never enough for Extremists. Never enough. Because the only thing that will really satisfy them–whether they’re walking bombs or just bombasts–is if everyone thinks just like them, believes just like them, and wants the same things as them. Which is never, ever going to happen, which is why they will never, ever be satisfied. Bush has been trying to appease them and hopefully even he is now realizing that it’s hopeless.

One is left shaking one’s head at a people who are claiming their holiday, their very beliefs, are being threatened. No. When Romans were throwing them to the lions, THEN their beliefs were being threatened. Here, in this country, their core philosophies have complete dominance over just about every aspect of life in this country.

And it’s not enough.

When dealing with Extremists and terrorists…it never is.


507 comments on “In defense of the Christmas Bush

  1. You beat me to it, James!

    Although I would have had Godzilla pull it off in the end…

  2. Hey, maybe we can keep this thread alive forever by using it to point out interesting sites.

    here’s today’s entry–a scientific paper proposing that alien lifeforms have been discovered in a mysterious red rain that hit India in 2001.

    story here:

    the actual peper is at:

    I love the idea of panspermia since it could explain things like both the origin of life on earth and mass extinctions (Now THAT, Ms. Morrison, is ironic). I’m dubious that they’ve proven anything but I hope they are keeping these “cells” or whatever they are in a same place.

  3. Hey, maybe we can keep this thread alive forever by using it to point out interesting sites.

    Well, I have something that will bring it back to discussing Bush:

    Was going through some websites the other day, and came across a little gem – this woman was wearing a t-shirt with a phrase on it.

    The phrase was “War starts with Dubya”. 🙂

  4. Both to keep the thread alive and issue a warning:

    Capsule Brings First Comet Dust to Earth

    My analysis:
    A- Liklihood of Contamination by Interstellar Virus-High

    B- Liklihood of zombie plague as a result of A-Moderate

    C- Recommended course of action– make sure tool box is well stocked, keep gas tank filled, sharpen katanna.

  5. well, this is the 504th comment.

    Think we should let this thread go….or just keep posting till we run out of numbers?

    and while we are on the suject of interesting sites….this also goes with the lennon thread…

    TONS of beatles songs…the site is really awesome.

  6. well, this is the 504th comment.

    *Grumble Grumble* Psychic Bill posting at the same time *Grumble*

    and, did you get a message saying, in essence that you couldn’t post until your post was approved? whats up with that?


    about the zombie threat….I just plan to follow the steps outlined in the following handy websites:

    also, stay far, far away from Hati.

Comments are closed.