Announcing: MeGeneration

UPDATE: Forget it.

Marriott booked us at the wrong hotel. When I discovered it, I switched to the correct hotel and, big surprise, the Presidential Suite is not available. And we can’t hold this in a standard sized room, so I’m afraid we have to toss the idea. Sorry.

Bummed out that ReGeneration is cancelled? No problem.



Taking place at the Bethesda North Marriott (the same hotel as the convention was originally scheduled) this weekend, MeGeneration will be a DOCTOR WHO convention about me.

I have booked a Presidential Suite at the hotel. I will be there by 3 PM this Saturday, March 30, and the convention starts at 4 PM.

We will have a dealer’s room, which will consist of my books, including scripts for YOUNG JUSTICE, BABYLON 5, and my fanzine, THE TARDIS AT POOH CORNER featuring the adventures of Doctor Pooh. And hey, if any other authors show up, they can sell their books, too.

We will have an artshow displaying Kathleen’s puppets and Caroline’s drawings.

We will have a video program consisting of DOCTOR WHO episodes, both original series and the reboot. We’ll have readings. We will have filk singing, providing someone with a guitar who knows filk songs shows up.

Admission is free.

What can you bring? Food. We’ll have munchies, and will likely bring in pizza for dinner, but if you want to bring food and drink, you are welcome to do so.

So come to MeGeneration this weekend. Because you kept the weekend free and have nothing else to do.