Live Blogging the first Presidential debate

7:51: Right wingers are already saying that Biden 1) already knows all the questions and 2) is taking drugs. There are, to my knowledge, no performance enhancing drugs for mental awareness, and *I* know what the questions will be.

7:52: I’m still convinced that Trump will ignore the social distancing rule and immediately come over to try and shake Biden’s hand.

8:40: Here’s why Biden has the advantage, bottom line: in recent months, when faced with hard questions during press conferences, Trump oftentimes bolts without replying. Because since he is in fact a bully and a coward, his instinct is to run from a fight. That’s not an option here. He’s going to go in feeling Biden and Wallace are teaming up against him and he’ll be fighting his fight or flight instinct to flee the entire time. That’s going to be distracting.

8:59: Biden’s family is masked. Trump’s family isn’t. Of course.

9:00: Nope, Melania is masked.

9:05: Nope, Trump didn’t try to shake his hand.

9:07: He’s assuming he’s going to win the election. Which figures.

9:08: Wait, wait, the Democrats DIDN’T have the election during Merrick Garland? They HAD THE White House, you moron.

9:11: Trump is NOT GOING TO SHUT UP. He’s not going to let Biden express any thoughts without interrupting with lies.

9:13: Jesus, Roe v. Wade IS on the ballot, it’s being challenged right now in courts, and Trump’s candidate wants to do away with it.

9:14: I can’t wait to hear this. Trump has NO medical plan.

9:15: Keep laughing at him, Joe. That’s going to get to him.

9:17: Cut Trump’s mike off.

9:18: No, Trump has NOT guaranteed preexisting conditions. He is currently in the courts trying to get rid of it.

9:20: Well , Biden dodged that question.

9:23: He couldn’t even let two minutes pass without interrupting.

9:25: No, they didn’t say Trump did a phenomenal job. More fabrication.

9:26: Notice that Biden is looking into camera, addressing America, and Trump is staring at Biden.

9:28: YES! Nail him with the šhìŧ he’s said in the past. “That was sarcastic?” Seroiusly? Now he’s trying to roll it back.

9:30: Again Biden is talking right at us. Good.

9:32: “Will he shush for a moment?” No, he won’t.

9:33: Trump is wrong. Covid has long-term effects, even on young people. Saying they’re immune to it is just wrong.

9:34: Yes, Fauci changed his approach on masks because that’s what scientists do, they learn and change. So you don’t dismiss the latest thing because they’ve learned things in between.

9:36: NO NEGATIVE EFFECT? Tell that to Herman Cain.

9:38: Oh yeah we’re doing record business. That’s why Disney has just announced it’s laying off 28,000 people.

9:40: And again, he can’t go two minutes without interrupting. They should really cut his mike.

9:41: “Excuse me, I should be allowed to ignore the rules to say whatever I want.” And no, Ohio isn’t very proud of him. Polls indicate he’s 9 points behind Biden.

9:43: He’s just saying the same old šhìŧ. “I paid millions.” “You’ll see my tax returns.” Yeah? Biden and Harris posted his.

9;44; Wait, so now he’s saying it’s OBAMA’S fault because of the tax codes? Seriously?

9:47: Why didn’t Biden do more when he was VP? Because McConnell did everything he could to prevent Obama from doing pretty much anything. God, the fact checkers are going to be going insane covering Trump’s slew of lies.


9:54: Thank God Biden is going first. Let’s see if he can get through it uninterrupted.

9:54: Twenty-three seconds. That’s how long he was able to be quiet.

9:55: Go, Joe. Demolish him.

9:59: And he’s doing it again. Biden let him have his say and then Trump has to come back and start shouting again.

10:00: Race training is radical? I mean, I’d ask if he was insane, but we already know the answer.

10:03: Biden is starting to interrupt him, to do what Trump does. He should do it more, loudly, and frankly he should start using profanity. “Shut the fûçk up, dumb ášš.

10:10: He wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t tell the white supremacists to knock it off. Jesus.

10:12: No, he doesn’t. There are plenty of vets who can’t get help, who have been abandoned.

10:12: They left openings because McConnell blocked them all, you sack of šhìŧ.

10:14: That was indeed a rhetorical question because we know the answer: Trump cannot, will not keep his word or keep to a promise.

10:15: Give it to him, Biden. The part where he defended Beau is great. High point.

10:17: Once again, “people” believe something. People are against the Paris accord. Really? I’ve seen no one save for extreme Trumpies who endorse leaving the accord.’

10:18: Forest cities. He’s back on Endor.

10:27: Almost over. Thank God.

10:29: Jesus, Trump’s body language during that speech was appalling.

10:29: They’ve caught no one. No one. This is all total bûllšhìŧ. Plenty of Trump’s people have been caught and jailed. There is no fraud. No matter how much he claims it, it isn’t true.

10:35: Oh yeah, that’s not instigating trouble. Trump’s armed followers walking in and watching voters so they can scare people off. Great move.

10:38: God, unless they cut Trump’s mic, I’m not sure I can handle two more of these.

59 comments on “Live Blogging the first Presidential debate

    1. FYI: Provigil [generic Modafinil] and Nuvigil (a newer version of Provigil [generic Armodafinil]) are prescribed for narcolepsy and drowsiness due to severe sleep apnea. Both medications are also prescribed for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Both are controlled substances. They can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic, psychosis, and heart failure.

      1. PAD, Trump shows the is the one who shows the symptoms of delirium, panic, psychosis that could be a side effects of Nuvigil.

      2. Modafinil is not prescribed for ADHD because ADHD prevents it for working in the same way it does on neurotypical people. My physician and I tried it, it didn’t work.

      3. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was taking something like that. Given how often he says the quiet part out loud, and that most of his insults apply more to himself than his targets…

    2. P. S.: My physician and I tried that knowing already that I have ADHD, in the hope that the research cited was incorrect. It wasn’t.

  1. Trump is not only interrupting and overriding Biden, but he’s doing the same thing to Chris Matthews. His typical stance when he doesn’t like a questionattack.

  2. This debate isn’t worth watching. Trump has in just under twenty minutes made it clear that his entire debate strategy is to lie, hurl insults, talk over both Biden and Chris Wallace, and then lie some more. That’s it. That’s all Trump has, that’s all he’s going to do.

    Trump is an absolute child. The problem is, his loyal followers are so gøddámņ stupid they think that idiocy qualifies him as a real man.

  3. I really wish Biden had answered the court-packing question. That’s my only concern about a Biden win.

      1. I’ve struggled with that, actually. Trump is terrible. 2016 was the first time I ever voted for a Democrat for President, and I like Biden better. But triggering an arms race that destabilizes the Court, is that better than a second Trump term? Worse?

      2. Biden is not who I would have preferred. I think he’s a capable and honorable man, but there are others I would preferEd to see as the candidate.


        Trump is so undeniably damaging to our institutions and welfare that there is no way I would ever vote for him.

        I’m not happy about the idea of packing the court. And I can’t believe Biden is happy about it either. It’s not something with his respect for our institutions that he’d want to do.

        But letting that one possibility give you pause about voting against the most criminal, unsuitable, liar to ever hold the office? I just don’t get that.

        (If Trump wins, based on his behavior thus far, is there any real doubt he wouldn’t be thinking “You know, this packing the court idea? Let’s us do that. Increase our majority.”?)

      3. Hint: it’s not an ‘arms race’, it was already a war before Merrick Garland was even nominated.

      4. I guess it could be a concern if you’re not a child in a cage, a black person being shot by cops, or a woman losing their freedom of choice.

      5. You’re not wrong about Trump being perhaps the worst human being ever to be POTUS. And I’m still likely to vote against him. Biden was clearly my preferred Democrat. I’m not a leftist; I thought the prospect of a Trump-Sanders election was the stuff of nightmares. I feel pretty good about a potential Biden Administration. But whatever you might think of Trump’s appointments, the judiciary and particularly SCOTUS is the most respectable and functional branch of government. I think the next President can fix anything Trump breaks… eventually. But if the Court is corrupted, I don’t know how to fix that. That’s not a trivial concern to me. (If you take the position that Trump will cause more damage, I completely respect that opinion.)

      6. “But if the Court is corrupted, I don’t know how to fix that. That’s not a trivial concern to me.”

        Nor should it be.

        But I just don’t get how one can focus so narrowly on a single issue, even one as key as the legitimacy of the Court, and ignore or diminish all the other corruptions Trump has done.

        You agree he’s “perhaps the worst human being ever to be POTUS”, but you’re still only “likely” vote against him?

        How does that work?

      7. “But if the Court is corrupted, I don’t know how to fix that. That’s not a trivial concern to me.”

        Nor should it be.

        But I just don’t get how one can focus so narrowly on a single issue, even one as key as the legitimacy of the Court, and ignore or diminish all the other corruptions Trump has done.

        You agree he’s “perhaps the worst human being ever to be POTUS”, but you’re still only “likely” vote against him??

        I don’t get that. How does that work?

    1. I hope that they don’t pack the court, but its clear that the Court has already been corrupted. The judges already vote along party lines most of the time, and just use whatever arguments are handy to justify their votes after the fact. I view a Biden Presidency as the only chance for the Supreme Court to avoid becoming nothing more than an extension of a political party.

  4. Bunker Boy just said he was being sarcastic about the bleach. An excellent rejoinder would’ve been “this issue doesn’t need sarcasm, it needs leadership”

  5. On the radio while I was out getting my wife a tuna hoagie, the news channel said Trump refused preparations, saying his years of being on TV and constantly on the news prepared him enough.

  6. So Trump’s big strategy is lie his ášš off and talk over Biden whenever he tries to say anything.

  7. “God, the fact checkers are going to be going insane covering Trump’s slew of lies.” I was just wondering how many keyboards they’ve already worn out tonight.

    1. But he won the suburbs. And you have to figure that at least some of the fringe will force themselves to vote for Not-Trump.

      I think he might have lost a little of everybody with the BLM question, though.

    2. The one’s who’ll actually vote for him are already doing it.. the ones waiting for the debate were never gonna get off their hash tagging áššëš anyway.

    1. Yep. Online they are already mobilizing. Someone pointed out he just deputized them by asking them to stand by.

  8. Trump just said no President had accomplished as much in three and a half years as him.

    Lincoln? George Washington essentially created the United States Government from scratch in his first term. But Trump accomplished the most? Really?

  9. We’re watching The Comey File instead. If we’re gonna get pìššëd øff, we may as well enjoy sone good

  10. What a šhìŧ show.

    I can only hope the next one has mic switches and a moderator who takes charge.

    (I miss the Santos-Vinick debates.)

    1. That’s when the show jumped the shark. Two caring, intelligent, patriotic people nominated the same year? Completely implausible.

      1. Obama-McCain

        Picking Palin was a huge lapse, but McCain was a patriotic, intelligent, honorable man.

      2. I was being facetious, but yeah. Bush I or Dole vs Clinton were respectable choices, too. It just feels like a long time ago. A hundred million Republicans in this country, and this is who we’ve chosen? Twice? And I’m confident that the fact that I’m at least content with Biden means a lot of Democrats aren’t. The prospect of having two inspiring options to choose from seems so unattainable now, and with the talent pool in this country it really shouldn’t.

    2. And I’m sorry, but Vinick won that debate and should have become President. I believe they gave it to Santos because his VP actor died and they wanted to honor him by making him VP. I can understand it, but Alan Alda kicked ášš.

      1. I read once that Vinick winning WAS the original plan.

        I would have been happy with either in any real election. Both were smart, decent men who fully understood and respected what the office meant.

  11. 10:38: God, unless they cut Trump’s mic, I’m not sure I can handle two more of these.

    God willing, Trump’s áššhølërÿ will inspire Americans to realize not only can’t they handle two more debates but four more years with that insufferable tool.

  12. I decided I would stick it out until the end of the debate. I’ve also decided this is the first presidential election year since ’84 where I’m actively going to avoid the remaining debates.

    This was 100% decided because of Trump.

    This “debate” was a humiliating moment for this country. Trump came across as an unhinged toddler at best or as a desperate, terrified autocratic dictator who is in fear of losing his power at worse. Mentally and emotionally, Trump lost control in about five minutes. It got so bad that Chris Wallace- the man who was supposed to be a neutral moderator -had to repeatedly reassure Trump that the next question or next topic would make him happy in order to try and calm him down enough to start acting like someone momentarily pretending he’s not an unhinged idiot.

    Additionally, Trump used the debate to once again call on his more thuggish followers to descend upon voting locations. He said he could condemn white nationalists and Proud Boys. When given the chance, he said, “Stand back and stand by!” Combine that with him- again -making it clear he won’t leave the White House if he doesn’t like the outcome of the election and it became clear we’re not watching a sitting President in a presidential debate. We were watching a lunatic, wannabee third-world dictator rant and rave and lashing out like an imbecile.

  13. Cutting his microphone won’t help, he’ll yell loudly enough to be heard through Biden’s mic.

  14. I will be surprised if Trump and Biden have anymore debates. I can’t see why Biden would want to put himself through more of that nonsense, and I don’t see why the news networks would want to have to moderate the giant baby. Trump has NOTHING to talk about. He’s just going to rehash the same hot garbage over again.

    1. I don’t know why there are debates at all. They serve no purpose. They change no minds.

      But I expected the rest will go as scheduled. Biden‘s camp won’t want to back away for them because it gives Trump ammunition to claim Biden‘s scared. (Not that that should really be a concern for Biden since, again, debates or not participating in them isn’t going to change anybody’s mind at this point.)

      As for the news networks, they are very much in favor of the debates continuing. Since their interest has nothing to do with informing the public and is all solely about ratings.

  15. “9:25: No, they didn’t say Trump did a phenomenal job. More fabrication.” During the early phase of the pandemic, when we still thought the government would help, Trump was sending more ppe to the governors who praised him and stiffing the ones who didn’t. So you can pull up recordings of Governors saying nice things about him…{I know my governor did and we know his real feelings,} simply so they can get life saving equipment from the President.

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