If I Lived In Maryland

Postcard from the Edge

And this Democrat cleared the primaries and was the Senatorial candidate, I swear to God I’d vote Republican.

83 comments on “If I Lived In Maryland

  1. I live in Ms. King’s district and this ad made me REALLY angry. I’m very happy she responded to J Gaston and cleared the air to my satisfaction.

    We are in the midst of a very heated primary campaign between the incumbent, Ms. King, who I describe as a “Moderate Democrat” who switched from the Republican party a while back, and a legislator and self-described “True Blue” Democrat, Mr Ali, who I find to be too far to the left and extremist for my own comfort. Furthermore, Mr Ali has some major faults as well, such as skipping votes in the legislature in favor of taking his regular naps. I think it’s smart to take a nap when you need it, but not at the cost of doing the job the taxpayers are paying you to do–vote. At least 95% of the mailers I receive from Mr. Ali are attacks against Ms Ali and say nothing about his positions. Only 1% of the ads I received from Ms. King were attacks on Mr. Ali.

    I watched one of their debates online, in which they politely sat next to each other on a sofa. Ms. King remained calm and collected and spent 99% of the time addressing her positions and only 1% attacking Mr. Ali. She was thorough and coherent in her arguments. Mr. Ali was came across like an emotional teenager, had difficulty constructing coherent arguments, and spent 95% of his time attacking Ms. King.

    This primary election, like all others it seems, comes down to the lesser of two evils. I would never vote for someone whose platform is almost entirely based on a philosophy of “Vote for me because I’m not her”. But that’s just my point of view.

  2. “I’m amazed that any kids can afford to buy comics.”
    Then you must be equally amazed at $1.59 for a 20 oz. coke; 99 cents for a small bag of chips, a $1.99 for a Gatorade and $1.29 for a King-Sized Mr. Goodbar. Kids have money for these things. They have money for comics. hëll, this generation has more disposable income than any before it. It’s simply making kids aware of comics that are out there and have them be attractive enough to spend their money on them.

    1. Yes, but compare that $1.59 Coke to a $3.99 comic today. And, when I was a kid a Chuncky candy bar was 60 cents, and a comic book was 50 cents.
      Of course, back then the paper and printing was lower quality, and circulation was (I believe) higher. But, still.
      Compare 1 month of WoW for $15 to an equal cost of comic books: about 4 new issues maybe only 3.
      It isn’t just dollars, it is also comparing to the cost of other desired goods.
      Also, I can’t help but point out that EVERY generation has “more disposable income than any before.” That is because children have no financial obligations, so all of their income is disposable. And, when you flatly compare my step son mowing a lawn for $20 to me at his age mowing a lawn for $1, of course he has more.
      But, if you then compare to what we spend that money on, it isn’t as great a divide. I could spend a dollar and get the Garfield board game with ten cents left over for two pixie sticks (I use that as my example, because I remember buying it for $1 at a hardware store.) He would have to mow another lawn in order to get Apples to Apples.
      Likewise, I used to walk along the railroad tracks and pick up bottles to turn in for their deposit and then take the money to see a movie. He would have to fill a 30 gallon garbage bag with cans in order to do the same.

  3. Bill,
    “Perhaps they should buy that biography of Al Franken that just came out. Surely, even a comic book hating democrat could not resist!”
    Especially since it has such outstanding writing:)

  4. Superman is a bad exemple for children ?
    Truth, Justice and the American Way is bad for Americans ?
    An icon who is a such positive example and such a good “advertisement” (sorry, I cannot find the right world) for her own country, and she chooses to use him in this way ?
    If I wanted to prove that comics are awful, I surely have not choosen this character.
    (for the X-Men, it seems ages since the race/sex prejudices comparison. They’re killer squads now, no ?)

  5. Wow. Then my wife must have become the worst teacher ever when she went through my collection and took the age appropriate stuff to her third grade classroom for free reading time.

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