POTATO MOON, Part 61: “Follow the Gin-gold Brick Road” by Ellen Fleischer

And seize them the guards did. The companions were boldly seized as no man–no woman–and no small furry creature from Alpha Centauri–had ever been seized before. Then they were marched down a dark desert highway.

The cool wind was in their hair as the warm smell of colitas rose up through the air. Up ahead in the distance, they saw a shimmering light. The guards herded them toward it.
It was a decidedly sparkly shimmer. As they drew closer, Woeisme exclaimed, “Why it’s an Opal city!”

One of the voles smirked and pointed to the dark desert highway along which they were marching. “Naturally,” he said. “Where else would you think that the Gin-gold brick road would lead?”

“Gin?” Jakob repeated, dumbfounded. Before anyone could stop him, he was down on all fours, lapping at the stones. A moment later, a coughing fit took him. “It’s gin, alright,” he confirmed between wheezes. “Extremely dry gin, but gin.” He continued to lick.

“Well, of course, it’s dry,” Fig snapped. “We’re in the middle of a desert. Lack of moisture is hardly a stretch.”

Jakob looked up, a strange expression on his face. “Everyone,” he said shakily, “I feel… odd.”

“You’re drunk,” Bela said wrinkling her pert little nose.

One of the guards nudged him. “On your feet,” he said. “Do we have to seize you again?”
Jakob shook his head and rose unsteadily. He let loose with a loud hiccup. Then his hands fell forward to the Gin-gold brick pavement.

His hands fell forward… but he remained standing upright.

Stupified, he looked down, then to his companions, to the vole guards, and then back once more to his six-foot-long arms. “What the Dibney’s going on here?”

5 comments on “POTATO MOON, Part 61: “Follow the Gin-gold Brick Road” by Ellen Fleischer

  1. The Eagles and the Elongated Man? Cool .. well as long as it’s not the crazy, my-wife-is-dead-and-I-must-get-revenge Dibney.

  2. Maybe I got confused but where did Bela come from? I thought this was Woeisme’s quest. Author #62, get on it.

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