Potato Moon: Part 3 by Karyl Lee

potato_moonRooted in humiliation as the moisture trickled down his bark, Jakob could only plot his eventual revenge. He knew now who the wolves were and he’d enlist the aid of Woeisme and her brother Something, maybe even Edwood could be compelled to plot a comeuppance.

Waiting impatiently until the wolves trotted away, Jakob shook off the
pee and rustled his way to the bank of the noisome stream, Slough of
Despond. Carefully wading in he rinsed the odor away and shook out his
branches and roots. Then he carefully made his way through the forest
to the edge where he had a clear view of Sullen Manor, where he
reverted to his more mortal form.

Shrouded in mist and crouched in the clearing, Sullen Manor was hardly
large enough to have that name, but it was indeed Sullen, sinister,
and polysyllabic in all aspects. Lights gleamed murkily in the haze,
while bats wheeled in and out of the broken dormer windows. Sullen’s
aspect was dire indeed–this would take some careful
consideration–was anything wrong? or was this rarely moonstruck
monstrosity just cloaked in the normal dire gloom…..No sounds echoed
in the graven courtyard, no fires burned awry. Perhaps it was just
bath time in Sullen Manor.

8 comments on “Potato Moon: Part 3 by Karyl Lee

    1. Ha ha- I was going to quote that line too. I think I may be in daily conversation should I get the opportunity.

    1. Actually, that’s a pretty dámņ awesome idea. Everyone turns into werewolves and vampires to kick ášš and he turns into a tree and does nothing except be a tree and everyone looks at him really awkwardly.

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