Will someone explain to Sarah Palin that she’s a nitwit?


The woman who couldn’t cite any specific newspapers she reads said the following in a recent interview:

Palin, who has long criticized media coverage of her campaign performance, also said she is interested to see if reporters are equally tough on Caroline Kennedy as she pursues the appointment to the likely-vacant Senate seat in New York.

“I’ve been interested to see how Caroline Kennedy will be handled, and if she will be handled with kid gloves or if she will be under such a microscope,” she said.

“It’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out and I think that as we watch that we will perhaps be able to prove that there is a class issue here, also that was such a factor in the scrutiny of my candidacy versus, say, the scrutiny of what her candidacy may be,” she also said.

Well, I’m here in New York, and I can tell you that Caroline Kennedy’s getting hammered. An interview with the New York Times is coming across as much of a fiasco as Palin’s with Katie Couric, with Kennedy saying “You know” 138 times. Verbal tics are one thing, but this is ridiculous. Her poll numbers are in free fall after an initially positive response.

In short, the supposedly liberal-biased, class-ridden media is treating Caroline Kennedy the exact same way that Palin was treated.

If Palin actually read any newspapers, she’d know that.

Could they stop doing interviews with her now?


112 comments on “Will someone explain to Sarah Palin that she’s a nitwit?

  1. Let’s not forget Dukakis’ Helmet Head.

    I don’t think there’s a double standard for women. You don’t see media focus on Hillary like that. I do think the media targets whatever it can get its hands on. Wardrobe costs and origin, making use of someone’s attractiveness, or lack therof. The point is, if you put yourself in the spotlight, the media’s going to look for ways to use you as a selling point. Usually, without regard for how you or your handlers feel about it.

  2. Can you Adam and Eve it? It’s so lemon squeesy to get Ol’ Mulligan’s grundies in a twist. I mean, it didn’t take much. Even with Sean not getting in it because he can’t check his Alexei Sayle except at the Dog’s Knob, we still got him with this Rum and Coke. Come on, Bill, you mustn’t Rhubarb. You can’t get mad over our occasional Flight Lieutenant Biggles. Besides, even you would have to admit it was quite Easter Bunny.

    Now just chill out the revenge talk, get yourself a Richard Gere out of the mountain ridge or head down the Wormwood Scrubs and have quite a few Ray Mears. And if that’s not your speed you could always have a nightcap of a nice Gay and Frisky.

    Now take care of yourself, Mulligan, I hear from the TV that it’s all Boris The Bold and Mork and Mindy down there. It won’t help your revenge plains if you go and get all Pat and Mick.

  3. I just hope Palin gets the Republican nomination in 2012. It’d be nice to see Obama given a bye.

  4. Now to to be fair to Myers, he knows the Mexican border doesn’t pay rent, it’s that Juan’s date just didn’t find him all that interesting….

  5. I heard this morning that Sarah Palin is expected to be Glenn Beck’s first guest, when Glenn returns to tv on Fox News, this coming Monday.

    When I heard this, I just knew the news would make you happy Peter.



  6. So, today Palin is bìŧçhìņg about the media… again.

    I guess this will be the pattern for the next couple of years, where she just comes out of hiding every few weeks or months to complain, then disappears again. *sigh*

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