Two things I usually don’t think are worth getting into

1) Celebrity feuds. A waste of time.

2) Shouting “Sexual discrimination” at the drop of a hat.

But something about the new celebrity feud of Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump (who, in keeping with the spirit of mushing couples’ names together, I shall henceforth refer to as Rosie O’Donald) strikes me as worth commenting upon.

The O’Donald half of Rosie O’Donald is bìŧçhìņg that he was ill-used by Rosie for her comments over the irony of O’Donald serving as the arbiter of morality and second chances vis a vis Miss USA. (Personally, I think he did the girl no favors by letting her off. Dozens of Miss Americas have vanished into obscurity, but the one who was bounced because of immoral behavior is currently reigning supereme over on “Ugly Betty.” If the current Miss USA, whose name escapes me, had been fired for immorality, she’d have a Vanessa Williams-level shot at an ongoing career.)

Except here’s the thing: What Rosie said was no different, and no more vicious, then anything that was said on “The Daily Show” or “The Colbert Report” or “The Tonight Show” or “Letterman.” And I have to think that the only major difference between all of those commenters and Rosie is that they’re slim male heterosexuals and she’s an overweight female lesbian. I think he’s reacting not to what was said, but who said it.

And now he’s going ballistic over anyone (especially females…see a pattern yet?) who asks him about it, and he hasn’t twigged to the fact that the reason people keep asking him about it is because HE made it a cause celebre in the first place.

How dare women speak their minds and not know the place that O’Donald sees them best suited: Either on runways while sporting bathing suits, or as a loyal daughter at his side ganging up on Meredith Vieira.


59 comments on “Two things I usually don’t think are worth getting into

  1. Geez, Bill, way to understate how truly bad that was.

    I worked late last night and just started watching the DVR of Raw over breakfast while puttering around on the web. There have been only a handful of moments in wrestling’s entire history that have made me cringe when non-fans catch wind of or see them. Last night started the second handful of moments. Did Vince Russo sneak back to WWE and I missed it? Hëll, it topped the Mae Young/Mark Henry angle for cringe worthy-ness before they even got into the ring.

    And you heard the crowd chants right, but you seemed to have missed “boring” during every second but the pie face shtick.

  2. I don’t even notice the “Boring” comments any more, especially since they’ve trained the audience to so expect nothing by high spots that they won’t sit still for a minute of actual ring psychology.

    Sad thing is, Vince will probably interpret the boos as legit heat and it will encourage him to keep doing this. Poor JR and Jerry Lawler, having to pretend this was working.

  3. I disagree with PAD because he’s falling into the same trap O’Donnell creates for any critic. She has a history of publicly criticizing anyone she wants, however and whenever she wants (remember the Tom Selleck thing?)and then making people sympathize with her…and why do they sympathize? Precisely because she’s an “overweight female lesbian” and we’re not supposed to criticize them by virtue of their weight, sex and choice of lover.

    O’Donnell irritates me because she uses her currently-constructed image (which has changed at whim from randy standup comic to “Queen of Nice” to daytime social critic) to attack, well, celebrity white males. Trump may be famous mysogonist, as PAD points out, but I see no evidence that O’Donnell is anything but a famous man-hating angry lesbian. She does the same thing, just from the other side.

  4. I disagree with PAD because he’s falling into the same trap O’Donnell creates for any critic. She has a history of publicly criticizing anyone she wants, however and whenever she wants (remember the Tom Selleck thing?)and then making people sympathize with her…and why do they sympathize? Precisely because she’s an “overweight female lesbian” and we’re not supposed to criticize them by virtue of their weight, sex and choice of lover.

    She didn’t bring up the topic of her weight or her lesbianism. Trump brought those topics up. If you don’t like it, put aside your patriarchal bias and blame him.

  5. Mebbe the Donald should have Ron Jeremy on The Apprentice. At least there’ll finally be a bigger p#$%k than Trump on set.

  6. Re: Mike’s comment;

    Sorry buddy, don’t want to be condescending or critical regarding your Previous comment, however, most if not all lesbians are female.

  7. Ah yes, political correctness. Howzabout we let Rosie and The Donald work out their differences on the WWE.

    Come on.

    Best of three falls.

    Whoever goes down (sorry bout that) first has to promise to never say anything nasty about the other one again…unless otherwise instructed by a qualified puclicist or other waste of a human life.

  8. A plethora o’ thanks upon your doorstep! After watching the media(Entertainment Tonight in particular) allow Trump to use Rosie as a punching bag, I started to think I was one of the few who felt Rosie was on the money(pun unintended!) with her comments. Trump’s a punk who can only keep repeating the usual insults, “She’s a fat dike.” Strangely, neither of these attributes negatively affect anyone else, unlike affairs and misbegotten children. And in one of those interviews with the great poofter, he ran through a description of Rosie that sounded like an apt account of himself(“pompous, obnoxious, loud” for three). Looks like it’s a clash of divas, to me. I think Bahba Wawa needs to retire, and hand the reins to Rosie just to spite the thin-skinned putz.

  9. While Luigi has already summed up my points that I was going to make about why Trump was/is mad at Rosie and not others, I do have to say that I think though Trump is an incredible blowhard and overrated businessman, Rosie is a person who says extremely obnoxious things and gets a free pass on a lot of it BECAUSE she is a lesbian/female.
    Also, if you think Trump has only been obnoxious to women, you should have seen how rude he got to Bill O’Reilly, when Bill simply stated in an interview with Trump on HIS show that though Rosie “started it”, Trump did not need to stoop to the level of name-calling nor did it serve him well. Trump cut Bill off many times in order to state “I don’t have to take it”.

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