For those out there naive enough to think the anti-Semitic sentiments expressed at that Muslim get together the other day were somehow isolated, check out the following article.

There you can read about an exciting new series that I’m sure will be available on DVD just about any time.

When I wondered how Israel can negotiate with people who want them dead, I was asked if I was implying that all Palestinians want them dead. No. I don’t think all of anybody wants anything. But there will always be those who want them dead, and I suspect they will always be working to torpedo anyone who tries to have it otherwise.

I have a relative living in Israel who flatly thinks the country won’t survive. That history will remember a brief time that the Jews had a homeland, and that’s all. Interestingly, he has no intention of leaving the country, so maybe deep down he doesn’t believe it. But let’s face it: Things aren’t going so hot right now. Not in this country, not abroad. And when things aren’t going well, historically what’s the first, best response of humanity? Blame the Jews.

Hey, look over there! A whole bunch of Jews in one country LET’S GET ‘EM!


107 comments on “JEWS ARE EVIL, AS SEEN ON TV!

  1. It’s all a moot point. Be they Arab or jew come the new world order they will all be dead. If they free Palestine then we will enslave Palestinians. You can’t win.

  2. The only problem in the world today is that people are greedy egotistical animals who can’t come to terms with the fact that there are recources enough for hundreds of times the present population. We sell out to the occulted ones who know the meaning of life the universe and everything for a little pink house with a white picket fence. The power brokers have sold us piston engines and gasoline for over eighty years because they had too much gasoline left over after refining oil. As for religeon, YOU CAN’T HANDLE RELIGEON! I’ve studied many religeons for years now, I’m fastenated by them and there are many truths within them. Unfortunately social behavior forces me to believe that “religeon is the opiate of the masses”. As for Jews they did’nt kill Jesus the romans did and it was a good thing for cristians because it fulfilled prophesy that is supposed to save mankind. Also you can’t kill Christ, besides he was called Yeshua Ben-David and at the age of thirty became a Rabbi. All Christians are Jews!

  3. ÐÃMN YOU FOOLS! you never learn, I see there are many non-christian and atheist people so it’s ok that your intelligence is low (of course, the most intelligent people have always been catholic christians) but you do not understand that jewish are crap. They worship fake prophets, their god is wrong! Jesus told them but those idiots didn’t believe. Christianity will spread and turn everybody the followers of the only god but do we really need to suffer this low-intelligent non-christian BÙLLSHÍT!

  4. Well, the comment above is more than slightly disgruntling.

    Personally, I blame human nature. It seems to be largely in our nature that we are selfish, ignorant, intolerant and gullible. I admit that I wouldn’t have the same spiritual beliefs and opinions I have today is I had lived a long time ago, so although the world of today is very distressing in many ways, I am glad that I live in a society (Canada 🙂 where I can state my opinion without being shot or called a heretic.

    I don’t hate religion, I just can’t stand the abuse of it. Claiming to own land because it is written in a book has never worked out very well (as seen with the crusades.) I personally have chosen to have no religion, because although faith can be a wonderful and up-lifting thing, I’ve seen far to many evils done in the name of religion and god.

    I’m also starting to think that lasting peace between humans is never going to happen, since we always find someone to blame (often the Jews as seen throughout history) or someone to pick a fight with. We are never satisfied with what we have, and ignorance as well as intolerance is almost more present than hunger and poverty.

    ~The first victim of war is truth~

  5. There would have never been a 9-11-2001 attack if USA remained even handed when it came to the middle east. the east is the east problem and not that of the USA. The reason now that USA is involved is because of Jewish American who have replaced the ideology of real jews. Isreal no longer has a voice for itself. Only Russian and USA jews speak for Isreal. Just this morning a caller called in to 90.1 on the east coast here in D.C. and stated that most media has all jewish owneership which tries to slant the media to the jewish american agenda but its not working. Just because USA citizen do not support the conflict be it the arab or jewish sides does not mean we are antisemetic. The Idea that USA go back to being even handed would cause more world peace.
    The people in AIPAC and PNAC should all be disbannded and sent to jail no matter who they are(RUMSFELD)

  6. Way to dig up an old thread, dumb ášš! Firstly, the US government IS even-handed in the aid it gives to Israel (that’s how it’s spelled, btw) and the Arabs. Fact. Second, Who owns the biggest media conglomerate in the world? Rupert Murdoch, right? That name doesn’t sound particularly Jewish to me.

  7. Understand religion first and then talk about it…do some research because now u think “ahh what the hëll are these people doing…why are they so into religion blah blah blah..etc” but after you read a book….and theres only one book, one religion, one god….your thoughts will change and so will your life, we suffer this life…life after death is going to be a little different.

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