Buy My Daughter’s Girl Scout Cookies

Yup, it’s that time of year again. Caroline is selling Girl Scout cookies for her troop, and this is your chance to buy some for yourself, your friends, your kids, and your enemies so you can make them your friends.

So go to her website and buy them now, right here!


Updated 2/13/17–I’ve gotten several comments in other social media venues snarking on the notion that I’m helping my daughter sell her GS cookies. People seem to be nostalgic for the days when girls would go door to door, taking orders and hauling the boxes around. Despite what you may have seen in “Despicable Me,” the fact is that the Girl Scouts organization actively discourages the Scouts from doing so, especially if it’s people they don’t know. Everyone is concerned that some lunatic is going to answer their door with a gun or perhaps drag the shrieking child into their house to do God knows what to them. So they prefer to either have them set up tables in groups at various public locations, such as grocery stores, or have them get their cookies sold on line. So that’s why I’m pitching in. I’d appreciate anyone else who can likewise help out supporting her troop. Thanks.

8 comments on “Buy My Daughter’s Girl Scout Cookies

  1. She doesn’t have Smores! Ha, I guess my daughter’s supply of cookies ‘trumps’ yours. However, we do not have Savannah Smiles (great movie by the way). Happy Selling!


  2. I can’t believe people are snarking about this (well, actually, I can, because people suck). Parents shilling for their kids at work has been around for *ages*. When I was a kid, Mom would get GS cookies from coworkers, and she’d sell my Boy Scout candy at work. When I worked at an actual job, I always had coworkers selling cookies for their daughter. This is no different than that; you just happen to be able to reach a wider audience than most parents.

    1. As a kid, my scout troop sold various things, but my most successful was when they sold lightbulbs! Yes, lightbulbs! They sold like an eight pack of 60 watt’rs for $2, which wasn’t a bad price (early ’70s) and my dad was asst. superintendent at the plant. Everyone needs light bulbs! I won the sales contest…

      1. I’ve written the Girl Scouts several times about this. As many diabetics as there are now, you’d think they’d offer sugar-free cookies.

    1. Beat me to it… I used to buy GS cookies by the ton before I got diagnosed diabetic back in Oct 2000…..

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