I’ve been thinking about Trump

And I’ve decided that Hillary should be grateful that he is her opponent.

I want you to consider your own life. Think about the last twenty years of it. I want you to think about every single thing you’ve done that was positive. Now I want you to think about every mistake you’ve ever made.

Now imagine that there is a group of people who take every positive action and declare that it was wrongheaded and evil, try to prevent you from doing it, or try to undo it after you did it. And when it comes to your mistakes, they are blown up out of all proportion and linked together into a vast conspiracy that portrays you as power mad, money hungry, self-centered and cold.

With all that going on for nearly a quarter of a century:

How many people do you think would like you?

Not a lot.

Add to it that you’re a female. And if you think that doesn’t matter, then I want you to envision how far a three-time married, philandering, income tax dodging, racist serial liar would get in the campaign process if the person were female.

Yet with everything wrong with Trump, Hillary is still only beating him by five points, according to recent polls. Not twenty five. Not fifty. Five.

Can you imagine if her opponent was someone competent?

Paul Ryan could beat her. Mike Pence could beat her. Hëll, Hunter Pence could beat her.

Seriously, after two decades of assaults, it’s almost astounding that she managed to take the nomination in the first place.

All the GOP had to do was put pretty much anybody who was an experienced politician in to oppose her and they would have cakewalked to the White House because the GOP has been preparing for this moment since the previous century.

Instead they gave her an early Christmas present: Trump. Trump is complaining that he was ganged up on at the debate and indeed he was. But it wasn’t three against one, it was two against one. The first was Hillary, and the second was Trump himself. From his stalking to his snorts to his lies and contradictions, Trump is his own worst enemy. If he dropped out and Pence took over, the GOP would win, no question.

So Hillary better hope that Trump’s ego keeps him right where he is.


32 comments on “I’ve been thinking about Trump

  1. I’m really curious about which poll you’re looking at. Last night on Hardball, Matthews cited a poll showing Clinton at 36 and Trump at 25 (and continually falling). Not to mention Nate Silver’s site that shows Hillary’s chance of winning at 80% compared to Trump at less than 20%. And Silver’s poll won’t include the results of the second debate until next Sunday or Monday.

    But granted, with a different opponent it could have been a lot rougher for her.

    A question: Do you have any idea why so many women seem to hate Hillary?

  2. The most recent national polling (post-Billy Bush Bus Bash, pre-creepy debate stalker) has her up 11 points in a 4-way race and 14 points up head-to-head. But I agree that if she were running against John Kasich or Jeb Bush, she’d be facing an uphill battle.

    The sad/dangerous thing is that the devout Trump supporters have bought the okey-dokey; they believe that he’ll put up that southern wall (and make Mexico pay for it), that he will bring so many jobs back to manufacturing (even when he sends jobs overseas for his own businesses), and that he will find a way to lock-up that ne’er-do-well Hillary Clinton (even tho’ if she were to even hint at the same sort of threat, they would scream “Foul!” louder than somebody rooting against the Patriots). I will be delighted when this election season is over.

    His campaign has damaged this democracy. Here’s hoping that damage isn’t permanent.

  3. Shhh, Peter, I agree with you 100% — however, I have lived in near terror that someone, with power, in the GOP will think of this and horrible things will begin happening.

    As it turns out, I have enough of “the old country” in me that I am superstitious that saying something like this out loud can only further the chances of it happening.

    Hillary’s record isn’t exemplary, however, her history shows that she has worked hard for middle and low class families and, though many still argue about it, she was cleared of wrong doing LEGALLY.

    My biggest wish is to see her go down as one of the greatest Presidents in our countries history. I admit, not only because of what that means, but for a few altruistic reasons as well. As hard as this election has been on everyone I’d love to see her detractors eat crow by the pound.

    So please, sir, for the betterment of our Nation, We shall speak on this no more. LOL (excellent point though)

  4. Interesting commentary. I’ve been saying similar things elsewhere this last few weeks. I don’t typically copy and paste here as comments, but this is what I wrote on my Facebook page a day ago.
    There were six Democrats who entered into the 2016 primaries. To be brutally honest, none were particularly great. Given the field they ran, it was more or less a foregone conclusion that Hillary was going to be the winner. She won. Despite much spin be some, she won quite legitimately.
    Pretty much everyone watching that process knew how it was going to end. Even the Republicans running in their primaries showed they knew it as many of them directed their comments in even the early debates to running against Hillary Clinton.
    The Republicans started out with seventeen candidates. Despite the rose colored glasses that many on the right chose to look at that field with, maybe three of them were solid enough to win a Presidential election against Hillary. I say maybe three because Bush and Rubio were 50/50. It was who John Kasich could have likely run a campaign that would have won a general election against Hillary.
    The other fourteen were jokes with regards to being the Republican nominee. Of that fourteen, they lost several before the primaries started. Of the twelve that were still in it when the primaries started, the three biggest jokes were- in order from least to most -Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Donald Trump. Even Gilmore and Santorum probably would have run smarter campaigns and had a better shot.
    Out of that field of twelve, Republican primary voters nominated the least sane choice they could have picked. They nominated a serial lying, emotionally and mentally stunted man-child with an apparently fragile grip on the ability to understand the difference between things he hears and likes vs actual facts and reality. They picked a man who has the personal style and temperate of an elementary school bully- a man who doesn’t know the difference between bullying and strength, and who has in the past praised as strong leadership actions like the Communist Chinese government cracking down on citizens at Tiananmen Square or Russia’s iron fist on its people while criticizing as weak the Russian leaders who were loosening that iron grip.
    This is a man that confuses yelling and bluster for diplomacy.
    This is a man who has proven twice now that he hasn’t the temperament or discipline to handle a 90 minute debate with Hillary Clinton without becoming flustered, losing his cool, becoming incoherent, contradicting himself repeatedly, crying and whining about the conditions, and then lying about the things he just said. He can’t control himself for 90 minutes to handle Hillary Clinton, and some people think he’s going to be able to handle the Office of the Presidency and the stresses and problems of that for four years?
    This was the one candidate out of the three who was the absolute worst to run, and they ran him.
    Oh, and then we have Johnson as an option. Well, that’s fast becoming like saying you have two empty suits to choose from on the major tickets and then Johnson- an empty everything.
    The only good thing about Johnson that’s stayed a good thing is his polling numbers are high enough (barring more gaffes) that he may get the next libertarian candidate better funding and maybe a spot in the debates. Still, only one of those is a sure thing if he keeps the better numbers.
    So it goes back to Hillary and Trump.
    When Hillary wins in November-
    Don’t blame a rigged election. It wasn’t rigged.
    Don’t blame the MSM. It wasn’t them.
    Don’t blame the low information voter. It wasn’t them.
    Blame the idiots who had a chance to nominate someone who could have had a solid shot at winning for the Republican ticket in November but were so stupid that they thought Trump’s bullying, name calling, and nonsensical non-answers were strength and intelligence. Blame the idiots who thought Trump was a winner because he kept saying, “I’m a winner.”
    If you personally feel that saying “President Hillary Clinton” is a nightmare scenario, go thank the Republican Primary voters who decided that a bullying, serial lying, emotionally and mentally stunted man-child with an apparently fragile grip on the ability to understand the difference between things he hears and likes and actual facts and reality was the candidate that most reflected them and their values.
    Blame them.

    1. I haven’t missed voting in a single Presidential election since I was of age to vote. I have intentionally not voted in several local elections when we were given only one option or two worthless ones, but even in those I voted on other things placed on the ballot.
      Looking at the three choices we have, my goal for November 8th is spending the entire day in the woods with a bow in my hand looking to bring home future dinners.
      I just don’t know that I can bring myself to vote for any of the three of them.

      1. Jerry, I have a fourth option for you if you’d like to hear it, but in deference to Peter I don’t want to put said option on his site without his permission. Do you have a Twitter or other means of reaching you I could write to? If not I’ll post one of mine.

    2. But you have to remember that Hillary was a foregone conclusion in 2008…Then Obama happened. This time she was able to cinch the nom, but foregone conclusions don’t always come to be. (Ask Jeb!)

    3. Jerry, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.

      Now, let me preface this by saying that while I am a Republican, I’ve said it before… I do not endorse Trump nor have any desire to vote for him.

      But my original point, the one where I said it wasn’t simple as saying that the Republicans put forth Trump as “our” candidate because he was a winner and said he was a winner… That’s only the surface impression. As a Republican, I can only say, despite my non-endorsement and no intention to vote for him, I understand why it was decided to go with him.

      To paraphrase Howard Beale… We were tired of all the Bûllšhìŧ.

      That is we, We only in a Party Sense, not out of any solidarity because I’m horrified, put forth Donald Trump. Because all of his comments, not the racially charged, sexist, or otherwise insulting comments, but rather the ones that were above that and told it like it was and is…

      That’s what we wanted to hear. Because it wasn’t the same GOP Rhetoric. The one that got Bush a second term. The Rhetoric John McCain and Mitt Romney tried to get into office. The same Rhetoric that John Boehner and Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell and every other big name Republican I can name has uttered for the last 15 years. (And I do have a reason for capitalizing “Rhetoric”…It’s just that heavy…)

      “Don’t worry. we’ll make things better for you. We’ll do it better and quicker than the Democrats. because they don’t care about you. They just say they do, when they really want to take away your Constitutional Rights and make up for it by raising taxes.”

      But we knew the game and so we waited for things to get better. We waited. We waited and waited and waited. For someone to rise out of the Right and come out with something positive and bipartisan-as-in-nonpartisan. Someone who could unite the Party (And the ER). Someone who could initiate real change.

      *Sound of crickets in 2008 and 2012*

      We didn’t get change offered in 2008, we got reruns. And not good ones. Hence why I voted for Obama. And then in 2012, despite being a Utahn and a Mormon, and there was an actual Mormon candidate. He vagues everything up (I’m declaring “To vague” as a new verb) about what he’s going to do, hence, I voted for Obama again.

      And that’s why my party chose Trump out of 17 people, because 15 out of the other 16… they were just more of the same. (I have no explanation for Ben Carson. I think he’s a mandroid and a solar flare interfered with his programming.) That’s all they were to us. And we were tired of it. We didn’t want to put up a candidate again who was…more of the same. We wanted All-New, All-Different.

      And despite his despicable statements, his bullying, his insults, his serial lying, and his being a man-child…

      Donald Trump wasn’t more of the same. He wasn’t playing games. And that’s how he got to be the Republican Nominee.

      And while I do agree with you wholeheartedly, Jerry, that there should be no complaints by those who are horrified with the idea of a President Clinton II: The Wrath of Hil, because while we as a party torpedoed our chances BY nominating Trump, it at least won’t be like the last 2 times, where all we could offer was *yawn*

      Because there was no candidate who accurately reflected our values…because even we don’t know what they are anymore. True story.

      Maybe it was as simple as that and I made it even simpler.

      1. Charles, I understand the sentiment you’re expressing, and I’ve heard it before. But aspects of it don’t hold together.


        “We were tired of all the Bûllšhìŧ.”


        “And that’s why my party chose Trump out of 17 people, because 15 out of the other 16… they were just more of the same… * …And we were tired of it. We didn’t want to put up a candidate again who was…more of the same. We wanted All-New, All-Different.”


        Bûllšhìŧ was all Trump ever offered from day one. Not the same? It was all the same with a carnival barker’s slight of hand thrown into it.


        Trump’s big stand early on? He was going to build a wall. You know, the wall Republicans talked about during the elections in 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006… The only difference? Most of them called it the fence.


        Well, there was another difference. They all talked about ways to pay for the fence that was credible. Trump declared we were going to have a giant wall and not spend a dime on building. He was going to make Mexico pay for it. How? Because he was going to say so, that’s how.


        He was going to round up all the illegals and send them back to Mexico. You know, what we’ve been hearing from Republicans for years.


        He was going to take the fight to ISIS/the terrorists and win the war on terror. You know, the same line we’ve been hearing from Republicans running for high office since W Bush was President. And how was he going to do it? He had a plan. He wouldn’t tell you the plan, but he had one.


        He promised he’s be the job growth President. I think everyone who has run for President during my lifetime and beyond has said that.


        He was going to make the military strong again. You know, Republican campaign promises 101, chapter 2, page 1.


        He said he’d fix the tax code and lower taxes. You know, Republican campaign promises 101, chapter 1, page 1.


        He attacked the ACA. That’s just more of the same for Republicans at this point.


        He attacked Obama. That’s just more of the same for Republicans at this point.


        He did like to use social media to retweet and share false fact memes, info graphics. and comments that were sourced back to white supremacists. That was new.


        “… but rather the ones that were above that and told it like it was and is… That’s what we wanted to hear.


        No, he didn’t. He lied constantly. He lied more than anyone else in the Republican or Democratic Primaries.


        He praised guys like Alex Jones for the work they were doing and peddled conspiracy silliness.


        He’d say one thing on topic, say something different a day later, say yet a third thing a day after that, and then deny having said two of the things by the weekend.


        I kept hearing Trump supporters say back then that Trump was so great because he said what he meant, meant what he said, and was a straight shooter. But then when Trump would say something ridiculous or indefensible, it became a game of saying that, well, sure… He said that, but what he really meant was…


        But that was only when he actually said something. Many times he’d respond to a question by talking for three minutes, changing the topic twice, and ending without every answering the question.


        “Donald Trump wasn’t more of the same. He wasn’t playing games.”


        Trump was every bit the same. Same rhetoric, same empty promises, same general playbook. The only difference between Trump and the others was his longtime fame, his charisma, and his status as a reality TV star.


        And most people watching him knew that he was absolutely playing a game. It goes back to how he answered questions.


        “Mr. Trump, how are you going to do this thing you’ve said you’re going to do?”


        “Well, you know, I’m going to… You know, they keep saying this cant be done. They’ve said… I’m telling I’m going to do it. It;s gonna be huge, folks. It’s going to be so great, believe me. You will have never seen anything like this. See, I’m going to… You know, all these other guys… They all attacked me. They spent so much money attacking me. I’ve never seen so many people spend so much money to attack just one guy. Me? I’ve barely spent any money. Jeb attacked me, Christie attacked me, Little Marco attacked me… They… I’m a counter-puncher, see… I don’t need to spend money like that. They hit me and I hit back. They all said I couldn’t win. They said I couldn’t win in this state and in that state and in this other state, but I won. It’s a movement, folks. There’s never been anything like it. They said it can’t be done, but they said I can’t win. I’m going to win and win big, and then I’ll win big in November against Hillary and that’s how we’re gonna do it, folks.”


        That’s pretty dámņëd close to a typical Trump answer.


        Everyone paying attention saw that he wasn’t serious. Everyone paying attention saw that he wasn’t taking matters seriously that needed to be taken serious. He wasn’t playing games? All he was doing was playing games.


        “Because it wasn’t the same GOP Rhetoric. The one that got Bush a second term. The Rhetoric John McCain and Mitt Romney tried to get into office. The same Rhetoric that John Boehner and Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell and every other big name Republican I can name has uttered for the last 15 years. (And I do have a reason for capitalizing “Rhetoric”…It’s just that heavy…)


        “Don’t worry. we’ll make things better for you. We’ll do it better and quicker than the Democrats. because they don’t care about you. They just say they do, when they really want to take away your Constitutional Rights and make up for it by raising taxes.”


        Which reads amazingly like a Trump speech.


        “That’s what we wanted to hear.”
        If that’s true, it’s sad. It also makes this comment all the sadder.
        “…because even we don’t know what they are anymore.”
        I don’t say this to be mean. I don’t say this to be nasty. I don’t say this to be flip. I don’t say this to be an ášš.
        I say this because it legitimately makes me feel sad over the state of one of the two largest political parties in our country.
        “And we were tired of it. We didn’t want to put up a candidate again who was… more of the same. We wanted All-New, All-Different.”

        “That’s what we wanted to hear.”
        I say it’s sad because Trump offered nothing new on most levels. Same old rhetoric. Same old promises. Nothing at all new compared to anything else from the Republicans and the Tea Party over the last 8 to 12 years. Hëll, there were moments where he came across as the bášŧárd political lovechild of Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, and Romney.
        The only thing that was new with Trump was the degree of certain aspects of his delivery. It was the same old same old, but he delivered it with a greater degree of bravado and narcissism than any politician running for President in my lifetime- declaring repeatedly that only he knew the answers, only he could do it. Not even Bill Clinton was as seemingly self centered on the stump.
        It was the same old same old, but he delivered it with a greater degree of bullying swagger. It was at times like watching a 5th grade school bully doing an impersonation of a politician based on how his world view made him think it should be done.
        And, yeah…It was the same old same old, but he delivered it with more and nastier undertones of racism than any person running for the White House since the era of segregation forever. He told his audiences that their problems were in large part because of all those dirty, thieving, raping, murdering, disease ridden Mexicans streaming across the border. A lie on all levels, including the last bit. And, of course, his message to blacks in America seems to be based on him believing the fake stats in the white supremacist memes he retweeted and shared, and, even worse, getting the whites in his audience to believe them and repeat them.
        There was one thing that was totally new. I’ve never seen a man running for POTUS who has praised as “strength” the actions of so many dictators. He praises Putin for acting against civilians with an iron fist. He praised Kim Jong-Un for taking out his rivals. He praised the communist Chinese government for their actions against their own people at Tiananmen Square. He praised the old Soviet rulers for having the strength to keep their people in line and under control.
        Well, there was another new thing. His fixation with threatening to sue or imprison people. He said he’s sue media outlets that covered him negatively if he was President. Now he’s threatening to imprison political opponents if he wins.
        If that’s what Republicans wanted to hear… The Party of Lincoln is dead.

  5. 30-35% of the country would have voted for an actual potato if Their Party had nominated it. (Nor is this one party. Another 30-35% would have voted against [insert your Holiest of Holies here] if The Other Party had nominated them.) Clinton has problems, but most of the numbers are this same bedrock of faithful. The person really benefiting from Trump is Johnson. While Stein is being taken seriously only because Bernie worked up the demographic that would normally not vote and then left them hanging.

    Just look at all the contortions Republicans who are running this year are going through to distance themselves from Trump, but still try and hold on to his voters. Heck, look at how many Republicans not running are still playing the same game. This is Tribes, pure and simple. A national re-enactment of the kerfluffle in just the last post on this very blog. Sadly, I don’t think it is going to end as magnanimously for the nation…

  6. Mark Evanier has posted a Trump tweet where he says “the shackles have been taken off me” and he “can now fight for America the way I want to.”

    He wouldn’t nuke the northeast and California would he?

    This is going to get so much worse before it gets better…

    1. No. Apparently it’s letting the Russians take an active hand in his campaign.
      Trump is reading “facts” off of sheets at his rallies today that were taken from a known Russian propaganda site.
      Word for word…
      So not only is he continuing to tell lies every third word out of his mouth, but he’s letting a website that has been cited as a foreign power’s propaganda agent that’s trying to influence this election program his lies for him.
      Снова сделать большой Америки

      1. And the worst part is: Trump gives zero fûçkš about anything other than pimping his own name.

        At this point, it would be apropos if 50 years of pushing white male supremacy in the guise of the “Southern Strategy” finally culminated in the GOP completely crashing and burning as a result of Trump being the nominee.

      2. A.J. Delgado, a senior adviser to Trump, retweeted a Trump endorsement from a white nationalist, anti-Semitic website (TheRightStuff) that does things like start online campaigns harassing Jewish people and blacks for being Jewish and black.
        I’d be generous in other times and call it an “oops” moment. After all, these things happen. But this is becoming a regular thing with the Trump campaign. They have multiple times now retweeted comments, endorsements, and images that came from white supremacist, anti-Semitic websites or their Twitter accounts.
        It’s one thing to have a loony come out and endorse you. You can’t stop a crazy person or a vile person from endorsing you. You have no control over that. What you do have control over is whether or not you promote the words of that crazy person.
        At this point, it’s not an “oops” moment. It’s either they’re too stupid not continue bungling along, or they know what they’re doing and who they’re pandering to.
        Either option doesn’t speak well for them.

  7. It would be too late for Pence to claim top-spot on the Republican ticket, I think. I mean he might technically able to do so, but thousands of early ballots have been cast and the election infrastructural is already well underway. Plus the Trupsters would turn pretty quick on the Republicans if Trump was somehow dethroned – as I cannot see him ever willingly stepping down.

    Theory is it won’t matter for Trump. He will roll from his upcoming loss to the launch of his new Trump network, one that will make Fox look liberal. He’s got Ailes and Hannity will follow in a heartbeat. he can then pledge to hold “Crooked” “election stealing” Hillary to the fire non-stop – undermining her time in office as (if nothing else) petty revenge. We then have the potential for a repeat of the 90’s Fox News effect – only worse.

    Time will tell.

    1. I keep hearing how Trump will turn his upcoming electoral drubbing into a lucrative gig.

      I don’t see it.

      Americans don’t like losers. Nobody is chomping at the bit to watch “The John McCain show” “Hey, It’s Mitt!” “Michael Dukakis and Friends” or “Pink Lady and John Edwards”.

      Who would advertise on a Trump Brand TV show? Are there really that many products that want to write off Latino consumers? Because, like it or not, anyone advertising on the Trump network gets, in addition to the Trumpster himself hawking it like Billy Crystal doing Joe Franklin (“Raymond Burr’s Nipple Rouge-fir the blush of springtime, any time.”) a guaranteed boycott and letter writing campaign.

      He’s destroyed his brand. His whole deal is that he’s supposedly an alpha male winner. He’s about to be clobbered by a widely disliked old woman.

      1. Trump doesn;t care if the new network succeeds, only that HE personally makes money, screw the actual business and the people that do the actual work.

        Trump will milk the company for all the money he can and leave the desiccated husk to die claiming “I made a fortune! The people I sold it to screwed it up!”

      2. I used to agree with this line of thinking. But Trump’s core is set to believe that a loss is due to corruption only. They will not believe that Trump actually failed. In fact, as I’m sure you’re aware, Trump has already been feeding into this pre-conspiracy. He’s getting people ready for a non-loss type of loss on his part.

        Who would advertise? Companies that want to reach 30% of the countries voters. Trump is pretty much guaranteed that level of support, and from a sales perspective, that’s a sizable demographic. The boycott threat certainly poses a threat, but if it was so significant, we’d see everything Fox presents long boycotted into the dust.

  8. Why is it that, at the beginning of the election cycle, there are usually several intelligent, experienced candidates with integrity, and a bunch of crazies and political hacks, and the actual candidate is either a crazy (Trump)or a political hack (Hillary, Obama, forget last couple of repubs…)

    Usually, it is a political hack of dubious talent, few ideas, and little actual leadership ability who seems to be promoted to prez because the ‘machine’ wants them. Then we end up with ineffective government because the executive branch is headed by an idiot. (see last 36 years of the presidency!)

    Is it just the law of mediocrity? The most mediocre candidate will win the majority of the electorate? Aliens for outer space with mind control?? The Illuminati??? Your guess is as good as mine!!

    1. Regression to the mean explains a lot. Even putting ideology aside, everyone’s definition of “intelligent” and “integrity” are all a slight bit different. So the “average” – read “central” – candidate has the advantage.

      And Jeb not withstanding, we can’t completely discount The Machine. But by definition it is giving the (majority of) voters – and non-voters – what they want, otherwise they would have changed their votes.

      Basically, in a large enough group, there will always be somebody who is unhappy.

  9. The biggest fear during the Republican primaries was that Marco Rubio would be their candidate: He had appeal to Hispanics, he was charismatic, and he was smart.

    Instead, Trump was the exact gift Hilary wanted. Even as I type this, CNN is reporting that Trump has been launching Twitter attacks against Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Republicans who didn’t support him 100% along the way. I’ve never seen an American election where so many in the candidate’s party refused to support that candidate.

  10. And I think, in my fumbling around on the above post for the point Jerry, is what you succinctly said.

    Republicans wanted someone to actually sound tough. Everyone other candidate’s “tough” wasn’t tough enough for the Base.

    If you ask me, because I agree with you on everything you said in your reply, after a little more thought and sheepishness that my tunnel vision was in widescreen, I don’t think Trump should be President. Simply because I don’t want a man who will push every other world leader’s buttons in the White House.

    Oh, and Jerry, the Republican Party died once Ronald Reagan passed away. There’s just been this lumbering corpse calling itself that since that time.

  11. I’ve been worrying about a Democratic Watergate, where we eventually learn that Hillary somehow got the Republicans to nominate the worst possible candidate for themselves.

    At least that’s what I half believe the Republicans to do if Hilary wins.

    1. That would make the Republicans look really…stupid if they claim Hillary tricked them into picking Trump…

      1. I’ve already seen that claim. Someone was claiming Wikileaks docs showed it.
        I pointed out what you did to the friend who posted it on Facebook. Post got deleted fast.

    2. I know people who’ve raised the idea of a “black flag” operation, speculating that Hilary somehow tricked the GOP into nominating Trump, or that he was in fact working for her and is intentionally destroying the Republican party. This last, while being reprehensible, would require a level of selflessness that Trump not only doesn’t have, but likely doesn’t want to get within 30 feet of him for fear of getting groped.

      1. Well, it’s also a largely laughable idea even without taking Trump into account while judging it.
        If I’m masterminding such a scheme, I’m going to have my “opponent” crash and burn their campaign in ways that don’t hurt me. There are things that Trump is bringing up that I’d have never had him bring up.

  12. When Hillary was against gay rights and gay marriage, do you consider that a positive, or when she flipped on her stance and became a supporter because it was politically beneficial to her to do so? Hillary may be the lesser of two evils compared to Trump, but please don’t paint her as some martyr who everyone hates because she is a woman. Hillary only cares about Hillary. There are far better female candidates than her that just don’t have the same name recognition with the general public as Hillary.

  13. You will be voting for Trump, right? You have got the racist thing down (as you believe what is true for one must be true for all members of the race), you have got the ignorance thing down (as you refuse to spend any significant amount of time understanding why people are outraged by your comments) and you have got the shameless baldfaced hatred thing down

    “[Romani] beg or steal to gather money for drug abusers,” “‘lucky’ ones are dumped in orphanages”
    That came in an *apology*!!!

    You could be brothers!

    If I am wrong, take the time: learn why what you are saying is disgusting, and make a proper apology, for everything, including the pretend apology.

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