Favorite X-Factor characters?

Just out of the sake of my own curiosity, I’d be interested to know who your top two favorite X-Factor characters are? I’m saying “two” going on the assumption that if I said “Who’s your favorite” most people would say Madrox.

So who’re your top two?

Feel free to pass this query to other boards. I’d like to know peoples’ opinions.


320 comments on “Favorite X-Factor characters?

  1. Guido has always been my fav, from years ago until today!

    Second, I would have to say Layla. Bendis might credited as creating her, but she is your baby.

    The rest are close behind. I love Theresa, and you have made Monet a great character again. Ric comes and goes for me. Sometimes I like him and sometimes I don’t. Rahne is a must have so am nervous that she might be leaving. Personally, I am a fan of Pietro as a jerk good guy, rather than an unstable badguy.

    Still all around, they are all great.

    Oh yeah, and Madrox is great too 🙂

  2. Easily, my favorite is “M”–a character who has limitless potential and still not enough is being done with her. First, I’d love a rundown of all her powers–she comes as quite possibly, one of the most powerful characters in the MU and that’s just with the powers I know (flight, invulnerability, super-strength and telepathy).

    Second favorites are Layla–cause you’ve done an amazing job with her–giving her more wit and character than anyone else on the team, and Rictor–who I would like a lot more if you he got his powers back and actually turned out to be gay.

  3. …Rictor–who I would like a lot more if you he got his powers back and actually turned out to be gay.

    The Judd Winick website is over here: http://www.juddwinick.com/

    I understand Winick is getting ready to issue a press release (and a comic book, too!) revealing that Black Canary contracted herpes from Green Arrow. (Don’t tell anybody.) Also on deck for 2008, a cancer-stricken 45-year-old Lian Harper will travel back in time to chew out Roy Harper for not ensuring she got her HPV vaccine as a child.

  4. 1. Rahne – Werewolf-Lady and Scottish, just a great mix, PAD.

    2. Monet – Like a “Cordelia Chase” Comic Version, uper-class girl that can kick ášš.

    oh, if there is the chance to vote for No. 3

    3. Syrin – funny how much she did resemble Neve Campbell on some pictures. – And the idea of the girl dating her in Issue No. 1, just very nice 😉

    Why just the girls? Dunno, Jamie M. is cool, too.

  5. 1. Rahne – Werewolf-Lady and Scottish, just a great mix, PAD.

    2. Monet – Like a “Cordelia Chase” Comic Version, uper-class girl that can kick ášš.

    oh, if there is the chance to vote for No. 3

    3. Syrin – funny how much she did resemble Neve Campbell on some pictures. – And the idea of the girl dating her in Issue No. 1, just very nice 😉

    Why just the girls? Dunno, Jamie M. is cool, too.

  6. Rahne by a longshot, followed by Guido. I love the whole team though and I’m loving the book.

  7. Relatively new X-Factor reader here. I’ll chime in with Monet and Rictor (and I’m still trying to figure out if he is/ever was gay).

    Good book.

  8. My favorite is MONET. She’s so snippy. Like an Emma with clothes. Also because I loved generation X.

  9. I’ve been reading X-Factor since issue one. I would have to go with Angel (pre Archangel) and Havok. Boom Boom was also a fave.

  10. I’ve been reading X-Factor since issue one. I would have to go with Angel (pre Archangel) and Havok. Boom Boom was also a fave.

  11. I love the team dynamics you write every issue, so it is really hard to pick my two favorites. It’ll be different next time I think on it, but I think today:

    1) Madrox – I hadn’t really realized it, but yeah, he is the heart of the book to which many of the stories revolve, so assuming everything would be much different if he wasn’t there, yeah Jamie’d have to be my favorite on the team?

    2) Siryn – so close with the others, but I think Theresa might nudge into second. She’s not much of a draw for me in the past, but I really enjoy her involvements in X-Factor.

    You didn’t ask, but in case you wondered…

    3) M 4) Layla 5) Rictor 6) Wolfsbane 7) Strong Guy

    Monet and Layla I see as more a comedic devices, which I absolutely love, but may be why Siryn just beats them out, since I feel like we get to know Theresa better, and that she’s got more history. Layla obviously drives the story a lot more than just through comedy, and she’s been an amazing addition. I love her interactions with Jamie, Monet and Rictor the most. Keep her! Rictor has a rich mutant history I have enjoyed, and for now I am enjoying him as just one of the guys. I know you like Rahne and Guido, and I enjoy reading whomever you have a hold of, but if these two had to take a leave of absense so you could try a few other characters to have fun with new team dynamics, they’d be who I voted off.

  12. 1) Rictor
    2) Wolfsbane
    (3) Madrox
    (4) Syrin – better since Banshee died, now no longer a carbon copy
    (5) Monet
    (6) Layla
    (7) Guido

  13. Quicksilver and Rictor. I’m looking forward for their “relationship” to be developped

    *tries to forget rahne and rictor did the nasty little time ago*

    but all the characters are so orgasmicly well-written in this serie that it’s hard to chose!

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